Potato is a piece of vegetable, and the autumn and winter with strong vegetable flavor limit the distribution of "potato feeling" enterprises.

Category: products and services

じゃがいもは野菜です 1枚1枚、野菜の味が濃い 秋冬限定「じゃがいも心地」 企業リリース

Issuing enterprise: Lake Lake House

Hakiya Co., Ltd. (our agency: Tokyo Banqiao District / President: Sato Zhang), the autumn and winter potato chips made of 100% Hokkaido potatoes limit the "salty combination of salt and rock salt of potatoes comfortable in Okhotsk". You can taste the material taste of potatoes. The "fragrant soy sauce flavor that deepens the potato flavor" will be sold on Monday, September 17, 2018 in convenience stores across the country and on Monday, September 24 in supermarkets across the country. I saw clearly the variety suitable for potato chips. On that day, I considered the most suitable variety for "potato feeling". In order to draw out the original flavor of vegetables and potatoes, I sliced a slice and a thick slice, and fried it with rich flavor. Then, it realizes the coexistence of the satisfying taste conveyed by the luxury sliced chip and the crisp and comfortable taste of potato chips. Please be sure to taste the "PURE POTATO" flavor of the potato chips "potato feel" made in Hokkaido in autumn and winter. "the combination of salt and rock salt of comfortable potatoes in Okhotsk" ~ the original taste of potatoes enjoyed with two kinds of salt ~ the crisp "rock salt" that sets off the flavor of potatoes, and the mellow "Okhotsk salt" baked slowly over a straight fire. It's delicious enough to bite. "deepen the flavor of potatoes, taste of soy sauce" ~ use the taste of materials to hide the wonderful taste ~ the sweetness of potatoes conveys rich flavor of soy sauce. It's easy to eat because it's a hidden taste. In the end, it is very delicious. [trade summary] Trade name "potatoes comfortable Okhotsk salt and rock salt combination of salt taste"deepen the potato comfort potato flavor from soy sauce flavor" capacity: 58g price: open price: on Monday, September 17, 2018, national convenience stores Monday, September 24, 2018 Supermarkets across the country, etc. General Channel [consultation address from readers] Lakepool House customer Center Tel.0120-941-751 accepted: Monday to Friday 9: 000000171400 (except holidays) [consultation address for journalists] publicity Section of Lake Ikeya Co., Ltd.: Ohata / Murakami Tel.03-3979-2112 fax. 03-3979-2156 Tokyo Banqiao District, Tokyo, 5-9-7E-mail. For more information on Pr@koike-ya.com corporate press releases, please go to the top of PRTIMES.


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