Possibility of wireless sensing leaded by Origin Wireless made by Wi-Fi/5g radio waves

In the 2020s, when IoT/AI technology has become widespread and the social implementation of cyber fidical systems (CPS) progresses, the “Sensing era” in which sensors that digitize people and things are embedded in every corner of society. Maybe. However, building a sensor network, which is the basis, is not as easy as it is. It is costly to install a large amount of physical sensors such as infrared sensors, etc., supply power, connect to the network, and continue to operate. If the number becomes enormous, for example, the maintenance of the sensor shifts or the battery is cut off, for example. If you are a surveillance camera, you can shoot a wide range of images with one unit and analyze it with AI, but this is a revenge on "too visible". There is a great risk of infringing privacy. The promising solution that solves these issues is "Wi-Fi Sensing", a technology that detects people and things by radio waves. ORIGIN Wireless, a venture from Maryland University that leads this field, "People, Pets, Rumba?" "I understand that people are moving, invading, falling down, and breathing even more," said Masato Marumo, the representative director of a Japanese corporation.

Wi-Fi/5G電波でつくる“第六感” Origin Wirelessがリードする無線センシングの可能性

Origin Wireless JAPAN Representative Director Masato Marumo
