Political stance and security tour Candidates ask candidates [Okinawa 1st district cross discussion]

(From the right) Seiken Akamine, Konosuke Kokuba, Mikio Shimoji

There are only 6 days left until the House of Representatives election on the 31st. The Okinawa Times held a cross-discussion on paper to deepen the policy debate of the candidates. Questions were solicited from each candidate to the opponents, and answers were obtained. In Okinawa 1st district, Seiken Akamine (73), a former Communist Party, Konosuke Kokuba (48), a former Liberal Democratic Party, is recommended by Komei, and Mikio Shimoji (60), an independent former job, has a political stance and security. He made claims about the construction of a new base. (House of Representatives selection group) ■ Mr. Kuniba tells Mr. Akamine "How to deal with the Taiwan crisis" -The Communist Party's guidelines call for the abolition of Japan-US security and the elimination of the Self-Defense Forces, but when diplomatic efforts collapsed, the Taiwan Strait and the Senkaku Islands How to deal with the crisis and the security of the people. "The lesson of the Battle of Okinawa is that the military does not protect the inhabitants. Creating a framework for peace cooperation in regions like Southeast Asia is the greatest security. Although it mentions sex, the dangerous movement to bring war to Okinawa and Japan should be stopped. "-The Communist Party opposes the use of earth and sand in the southern part of the Futenma alternative facility because of the remains of the war. Why did you allow the use of earth and sand at Shuri Castle and Churaumi Aquarium? "Many people, including the bereaved families, feel that it is not a human thing to throw the earth and sand in the area where the war dead who died in the war sleep into the sea to build a U.S. military base. It seems to be on par with other businesses, but I don't understand the location of the problem at all. "-All Okinawa is a real communist party, with the conservative lawmakers and the business community missing. The House of Representatives election is a electoral election, so if you want to change the government, why don't you call yourself the Communist Party? "I am a member of the House of Representatives of the Japanese Communist Party, and I have never hidden it. I am a conservative, middle-aged, innovative, non-partisan person who runs as a representative of All Okinawa where a wide range of prefectural citizens gathered for the realization of the white paper. They are rushing to cheer us on. We should stop saying and acting that are not based on facts. " On the contrary, I don't think that the method of not having dialogue with the government and the method of trial are not effective. "The government should respond to the dialogue requested by Okinawa Prefecture. It is natural for the citizens of the prefecture to protest against the government, which does not respond to the dialogue and forces construction without asking questions. More than 70% of the citizens of the prefecture voted against it. . Create a new government that will reach the will of the people, cancel the construction of the new Henoko base, and make every effort to realize the white paper. " Do you intend to realize it after that? "In order to raise the minimum wage, we believe that full-scale support for small and medium-sized enterprises, such as subsidies for social insurance premiums paid by business owners, is essential. Similar support measures are being taken in Europe and the United States. Subcontracting by large companies It is also necessary to regulate bullying. There is no big difference in living expenses between the city center and the rural areas, and the system will be changed to a uniform minimum wage system nationwide. " How will "peaceful security" be realized? "In Southeast Asia, the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC) has been signed and it is a regional rule to resolve all issues through peaceful discussions. It is the greatest security to create a similar regional cooperation framework for peace in Northeast Asia. It is a guarantee. Peaceful diplomacy that makes the best use of Article 9 of the Constitution is necessary. "■ Mr. Akamine tells Mr. Kuniba" Responsibility for the spread of infection " What do you think of the responsibility of the Abe-Suga self-government administration that expanded the number of people? "The number of people infected with corona is steadily decreasing nationwide due to the promotion of vaccination and the understanding of the public such as the declaration of emergency and wearing masks. I think it is important to promote vaccination and achieve convergence by popularizing oral drugs. "--70% of the people answered that they would not evaluate the corona measures taken by the Kan administration. How do you perceive it as? "People's criticisms of corona measures are taken seriously. What is needed now is to improve the vaccination rate for corona convergence, spread oral medicines, and wear masks for public health. I think that the government needs an easy-to-understand and polite explanation in order to understand it. " There are many criticisms, but how do you perceive it? "I have seen many prefectural and business predicaments in Korona-ka. Based on these voices, as a proposal from Okinawa, as a new economic measure, we will support business continuity and business restructuring regardless of region and industry according to the scale of the business. We will provide bold and comprehensive support for business survival and employment maintenance, such as by implementing it. "■ Mr. Shimo to Mr. Kokuba" Reducing the burden on the base " Among them, are there any measures that "propose, realize, and produce results" to reduce the burden on US military bases? "We appealed for a mechanism to improve the safety of U.S. military aircraft and speed up entry in the event of an accident, and proceeded with the establishment of expert meetings and revision of guidelines regarding accidents. The importance of the Taiwan issue and the territory of the Senkaku Islands to reduce the burden on bases We made efforts to get the U.S. government to recognize the rights and to prevent Taiwan from being isolated by taking measures against corona. " Are you thinking of making suggestions and producing results? "Effective use of vaccination certificates to move the economy in stages. Compensation for businesses according to scale (not only fixed costs, but also employee salaries, etc.), and employment adjustments until the infection subsides. Protecting your life from infectious diseases by extending, subordinated loans, debt repayment period, deferred period, etc. " Is there a policy to promote remote islands? "In view of the current situation of sugar factories on remote islands, we have introduced special measures for work style reform and relaxed application requirements. In addition, due to the revision of the Act on Special Measures for Promoting Independence in Depopulated Areas, more than half of the towns and villages in Okinawa Prefecture have seven years of national finance. It was a transitional period of support, and a generous transitional measure was also incorporated to pave the way for the sustainable development of the local government. " It has been revealed that it has provided 1 million yen to Okinawa, but shouldn't it clarify its political and moral responsibility? "Mikio Shimoji was not involved in IR corruption. It was proved in the trial, he was accountable, and he corrected the income and expenditure report. These are objective facts. Isn't there any political or moral responsibility to appeal to the citizens of the prefecture for a change of government without stating that? " I'm working. Isn't it too ridiculous to the citizens of the prefecture and voters? "We have submitted an escalation request to the Restoration from the results of the trial. With Sadanori Yamanaka of the Liberal Democratic Party as a teacher, under the guidance of Shizuka Kamei at the People's New Party, with Toru Hashimoto of the Restoration to promote decentralization. Agreed. Encounters with people have nurtured me. I will continue to cherish it and follow the path of politics. " As long as you ask for the reinstatement of the party, do you accept the position of promoting the party? "It is possible to propose my own way of thinking about reducing the burden on US military bases in consultation with the government. I will take a six-year relocation of training to Mageshima to find a way to reduce the burden on US military bases in Okinawa. I added. I will continue to propose how to further reduce the burden and produce results. "■ From Mr. Kuniba to Mr. Shimo" Conservative division self-promotion "-It is the national politics that the content of the base policy changes with each election As a politician in charge, it has been pointed out that the important policies of diplomacy and security are blurring, but what is your view? "The late Governor Takeshi Onaga turned against Henoko. Mr. Kuniba turned against Henoko and turned to support again. This is because the Henoko problem has not been solved, so I can't help it. It is natural to make a new proposal for this, and it is not pointed out that it is blurry. " It is impossible to return to the party due to the law and organizational decisions, but why did you plan to return to the party? "My reinstatement is an act that takes place after the dissolution of the Diet and does not violate the Diet Act at all. The Liberal Democratic Party Prefectural Federation denied the intention of conservative joint ventures by the business community without holding a meeting. Seems to have done a division of the conservative middle road, that is, an act that benefits all Okinawa. " What is your view that the party act is promoting conservative division by itself? "The problem is the act of refusing any official talks with Chairman Koichi Kuniba, who advocates a conservative joint venture, and the cause of the division of the conservative middle road is the Liberal Democratic Party Okinawa Prefectural Federation. Mikio Shimoji will play the role. It's an election for that. "

Last updated: Okinawa Times

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