Yoshio Inoue, Rio Asumi, Kenji Urai, Futo Boumi appeared, performing the musical "Guys & Dolls", which won the Tony Award eight categories.

June 2022 In the Imperial Theater and July Hakataza, it has been decided that the musical "Gord & Dolls" will be performed.

This musical was premiered in Broadway in 1950 and became a very popular reputation, recorded 1200 long run performances, and has won eight categories, including the Tony Awards, Best Actor Award, Best Actress Award, and Supporting Actress.It is shining.Gambler Sky and Sergeant Sarah, the opposite of growing up, environment, and personality.Gambler partitions, Nathan and popular showdancer adelaid.The center of this story is two couples.Usually bullish gamblers are weak for women who fall in love, fighting, rubbing, and checking their feelings.

It is Yoshio Inoue, a top runner in the musical world, plays a genius gambler Sky in this popular comedy musical, which has been performed frequently in Japan.The solid rescue army Saga Sarah plays Rio Asumi, who appears in the stage, video and topical works one after another in the former Takarazuka Revue Hanagumi.Kenji Urai, a Nathan fiancee, is a former Takarazuka Revue Snow Gumi, who is a Nathan's fiance, Adelede, who has been evaluated for his reliable ability, including winning the Yomiuri Theater Awards, including winning the Yomiuri Theater Award.A super luxurious clothing team is played by Futo Mikai, who boasts a gorgeous visual and singing ability.

Furthermore, the production was a Tony Award candidate in the revival performance of "Spring Awakening" and "Island", and for the first time in Broadway, he performed twice at the age of 35, and is now the most hottest in Broadway Michael.・ Arden is responsible.Michael has been working on Merie We Roll Along and Mavy Happy Ending, and has been active as an actor on Broadway, and his expectations for his latest production work will increase.


Musical "Guys & Dolls"

【STORY】 1948年のニューヨーク。 スカイ(井上芳雄)と呼ばれる超大物ギャンブラーがいた。彼の仲間のネイサン(浦井健治)は14年来の婚約者アデレイド(望海風斗)へのプレゼント代と賭場代を得ようとスカイに賭けを申し込む。「指名した女を落とせ」というものだ。「どんな女でも落とせる」と自信たっぷりのスカイだが、ネイサンが指名した女性は、清純で超堅物な救世軍(※)の軍曹・サラ(明日海りお)だった。サラの伝道所が閑古鳥で困窮しているところに、自分と一緒にハバナへ食事に出かければ、罪深い連中を伝道所に連れて行くと持ち掛けるスカイ。教団を救うため、サラはその誘いを受ける。ハバナで過ごすうちに、スカイとサラは次第に惹かれ合っていくが、高揚した気分で伝道所へ戻ると、サラの留守をいいことにネイサンが賭博を開催していた。ネイサンがスカイの仲間だと知ったサラは、スカイが自分を連れ出して仲間に賭博場を提供していたと誤解。彼に裏切られたと思い込み…。正反対のスカイとサラ、14年間も婚約中のネイサンとアデレイド。2組のカップルの恋の行方は?(※)救世軍…世界各国で宗教活動、社会福祉活動、医療事業などを推進するキリスト教の団体で、軍隊組織、制服を採用している。

井上芳雄 コメント

One of the musicals I first went to Broadway when I was a junior high school student was Guys & Dolls.It's really fun, and it's a masterpiece where you can enjoy the real pleasure of "This is a musical comedy!"Sky is the second piece, and at the same time, the gap with the humorous part that occasionally shows a glimpse is an interesting role.I hope it will be a sky where you can show various aspects.I know Urai (Kenji) -kun, but since the Imperial Drama, it has been since the "Double City Story".I guess you can see a new Urai -kun because it is a comical role that is different from the role you usually do.Tomorrow's Rio and Futo Boumi are not only wonderful actresses, but in fact both are synchronized with my sister and the Takarazuka Revue.I say "my 89 -term older brother" (laughs), so I feel like a relative, so I feel a little shy.I was really looking forward to it because I didn't think I could do it co -stars like this.While thinking about what kind of work it is better to deliver in the corona, I feel that a bright and laughing work is required.I'm looking forward to how classic masterpieces will be reborn with Michael Arden's new production, and I'm full of expectations that it will be an unprecedented "Guze & Dolls"!

明日海りお コメント

At the replay of the Takarazuka Revue, he was nailed to the excitement of overtures, and the coolest number of Sky and Gamblers.Every scene, such as Havana and Night Club, is gorgeous, this is a musical!!I think it is a work that you can enjoy.The character of Sarah that I play is "I'm so cute" anyway.Actresses who play, such as Hitomi Kuroki and Kurara Ebi, are really charming.I used to see from the standpoint of being a male role, so I think I felt so much, but as a role I played, when I simply face the script and co -stars, how I felt impressive.What kind of approach will be changed, what kind of approach will be ... I'm scared and fun.Inoue (Yoshio) and Urai (Kenji) will be together for the first time.Both of them were stars in the Japanese musical world since I was still a newcomer, and I was mainly watching them in the audience and videos, so is it still real now?I feel like that.On the other hand, it has been 20 years since I met Mobikai.I would like to thank you for being able to meet again on the stage!The encounter with the new work and the role has a special joy for me to have a place to live.In addition, I am very looking forward to standing on the stage of the Imperial Theater.Although it is a role in the first place to challenge for the first time, I hope that I can create my own Sarah with all my heart.

浦井健治 コメント

Nathan is a small villain and loves gambling and is easy to be fooled, and he can't help.He is a man who can't hate somewhere.Sky and human -like nathan, who pursue the coolness that is impossible, including the slyness of men.I hope you can get that contrast.(Inoue) The co -starring with Yoshio -san has been a co -starring since "Two City Monogatari", but I've always looked at my senior's back and longed for it.He is an older brother, a comrade, and his back is hard to catch up.I really trust.I haven't been able to meet Rio Umi -san directly tomorrow, but I'm learning from the beautiful visuals, its gorgeousness, aura, charismatic, and the meaning of being a top star.increase.I'm excited to see if I can be fascinated by Yoshio -san!Futo Mobikai has been watching "Phantom", and I remember being overwhelmed by the singing voice and play, impressed, and shedding tears naturally.In this way, you can assemble with Nathan & Adelaid.I will take care of it.Nathan and Adelaid have been with them for many years, so we will strive to create something like nature and Aun's breathing.I would like to be able to participate in such a wonderful masterpiece.I feel really honored.Personally, Mao Daichi, who was taken care of in My Fair Lady, was valued, and a venerable work.Now, as an actor, I feel a variety of circulation in being involved in this work.Nathan, play carefully!!

望海風斗 コメント

I watched this "Gord & Dolls" in Takarazuka and became a big fan of the work.I love the cheerful and exciting numbers, the bargaining and going on the love of Sky, Sarah, Nathan and Adelaid, and the gorgeousness unique to Broadway Musical.Adelede is a charming woman who looks flashy, but always longs for a family.Inoue (Yoshio), who appeared together this time, was very helpful at the first concert during the Takarazuka and after graduation.He is like an older brother.Tomorrow's sea is a very reliable synchronization.I'm not looking forward to standing on the same stage again!Urai (Kenji) is looking at the stage and feels very human and attractive.I'm really looking forward to what kind of chemical reactions I will have with wonderful casts.I am really happy to be able to appear in my favorite work.Broadway masterpiece.And personally, a cheerful musical after a long absence!And after all, the first Imperial Theater!!It's a fun thing.I want to take care of this feeling and face the work.

演出:マイケル・アーデン コメント

アメリカの傑作Musical "Guys & Dolls"の新たなプロダクションを東京の観客の皆様にお届けできることは光栄であり、このうえない喜びでもあります。新型コロナ禍の下、舞台内外のあらゆる人々の安全と健康を守るため、通常よりはるかに重い負担を抱えながらもエンターテインメントを提供し続けている東宝演劇部に心からの謝意を表します。このミュージカルの日本上演に向けて、私は最高のキャスト陣とともに、そして長年共同作業を行ってきた舞台美術デザイナーのデイン・ラフリー、振付家のエイマン・フォーリーとともに魅力的なプロダクションを新たにつくりあげることを楽しみにしております。『ガイズ&ドールズ』は完璧なミュージカルと長年呼ばれてきました。 ご覧になった皆様は口ずさみやすく美しいナンバーの虜となり、二組の恋人たちを応援したくなるに違いありません。この作品は観客の皆様をニューヨークの街角へ、そして地下のサイコロ賭博場へ、さらにはキューバのハバナへのつかの間の旅へとお連れします。陽気で楽しくハッピーな舞台をお届けできることを楽しみにしております。

At the "FNS Kayo Festival" broadcast on Wednesday, December 8th, the first show of "Luck Be A Lady" by Yoshio Inoue and Kenji Urai will be unveiled.

Performance information

Musical "Guys & Dolls"日程: 2022年6月 帝国劇場 2022年7月 博多座:2022年春 一般前売予定原作:デイモン・ラニヨン 音楽・作詞:フランク・レッサー 脚本:ジョー・スワリング、エイブ・バロウズ 振付:エイマン・フォーリー 装置:デイン・ラフリー演出:マイケル・アーデン出演: 井上芳雄 明日海りお 浦井健治 望海風斗製作:東宝