Discussion of the Pacific Island Tonga, Bitcoin statutory currency

Will Domino with bitcoin continue?In the Pacific island, Tonga, there is a debate about making bitcoin (BTC) a legal currency like El Salvador.

Sir Fushitua, a politician of Tonga, showed a plan on Twitter to promote Bitcoin's legal currency.Lord Fushitua introduces five steps on Twitter to Bitcoin's legal currency.If Tonga will continue after El Salvador, more than 100,000 Tonga will participate in the bitcoin network.

According to follow -up comments, El Salvador was promoted as a model and said, "It is almost the same as El Salvador's bill."

According to the steps shown by Lord Fushitua, the bill will be submitted to Congress in September to October this year, and if the steps proceed steadily, BTC's legal currency will be realized in November to December this year.


Following the plans for Bitcoin's legal currency in Tonga, questions and joys from the bitcoin community were exchanged on Twitter.

In the exchanges on Twitter, Lord Fushitua predicts that if BTC is adopted as a legal currency, remittance costs will be significantly reduced and disposable income of Tonga will increase by 30 %.

The resolution of remittance issues was one of the factors that promoted BTC's legal currency in El Salvador.Tonga depends greatly on remittances from Australia, New Zealand, and the United States.In fact, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) estimates that Tonga receives money in the world, which is a high ratio in the world, up to 30 % of household income.

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