Overwhelmingly effective in safety!A "tire air pressure meter measuring device" with "duty to install" in North America does not spread in Japan (page 1/2)

Overwhelmingly effective in safety!The "tire air pressure meter measuring device" with "duty to install" in North America is not spread in Japan | Automobile information / News Web Cartop Please enable JavaScript when visiting this site.

  • 自動車情報・ニュース WEB CARTOP > 自動車先進技術・テクノロジーニュース > 安全面で圧倒的に有効! 北米で「装着義務」のある「タイヤ空気圧計測装置」が日本で普及しないワケ

    Display a decrease in air pressure in the dashboard

     There is a device called TPMS (tire pressure monitoring system) that measure and monitor tire pressure.

     Until now, we have covered various tire manufacturers, but air pressure management is the basis for demonstrating the original performance of the tire.In other words, the tire manufacturer repeatedly claims to maintain the appropriate air pressure management in order to maintain the tire performance.

     The importance of TPMS is very high because the tire material and structure are advanced, and even if a novel design is adopted in the tread pattern, the internal pressure and temperature control of the air cannot be performed well, so the TPMS is very high.。

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     From a global perspective, TPMS has been mandatory since 2007, rather than Americans, so few people care about TPMS attached to their cars.

     Knowing the existence of TPMS is when a display indicates that the air pressure has dropped significantly is displayed in the dashboard.This does not directly measure the air pressure in the tire, but there are many systems that predict a decrease in air pressure due to changes in the rotation speed of the tire.

     On the other hand, a part of a luxury car is a type that directly senses the four -wheel air pressure by the sensor and displays the value in the dashboard.

     These TPMS are also sold at after -market, and I have actually used it.

    安全面で圧倒的に有効! 北米で「装着義務」のある「タイヤ空気圧計測装置」が日本で普及しないワケ (1/2ページ)

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     The only way to attach the sensor is to fix it to the valve attached to the wheel with attachments.The in -car monitoring system is data linked by Bluetooth.

     By the way, this TPMS is being mandatory in the world and regions in the world, led by the United States, but for some reason there is no specific story that it will be mandatory in Japan.

    NEXT PAGE Why is it not mandatory in Japan?

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