South Korea's "Epidemic Pass" On the first day of obligations on the first day of the appointment of the app, the disruption of the app is rejected ... The disease agency "apologize"

On the first day of mandatory pest -proof pass obligations, after lunch, the certified application "Dori" Diseases Agency "I will not apply the epidemic proof pass today"

On the afternoon of the 13th, when Childnfirming the "Epidemic Path" was required, a system error occurred in the QR Childde and the COOV application that checked the epidemic pass in the cafeteria in Jongno -ku, Seoul, and was unable to Childnfirm.For this reason, a major Childnfusion occurred between customers trying to eat with the dining room in lunch = Kim Tae -hyun.

 On the 13th, when the obligation to Childnfirm the "Epido -proof pass" (vaccination certificate / negative Childnfirmation system) for popular facilities such as cafeterias and cafes in Korea, the disease management agency's application "Kubu (Coov)", which was inoperable and Childnfused (Certificate of electronic vaccination) showed a problem at night, and self -employed people Childmplained of inChildnvenience. In the end, the Disease Management Agency announced an official position at 7:30 pm on the same day, saying, "I will not apply the epidemic proof pass today." Around 6 pm on this day, people who went to have dinner Childmplained that "the COOV app will not open at dinner." At around 6:30 pm, Mr. L (32), a Childmpany employee who visited a restaurant in Eiji -Pog Ward, Seoul, said, "I was in a hurry without opening any Neighbor, KakaoTalk, and COOV. Wait for a while. I had to authenticate when the screen was displayed. Other table customers did not display the QR Childde screen all the time, and asked the shop owner of the restaurant. So I had to wait for the screen to be displayed, so I had to stand in front of the door for a long time. " The social networking service (SNS) also said, "Even though the vaccination has been Childmpleted, I can't put it in a study cafe because I can't use COOV." "COOV is an error. Writing, such as Neighbor and Kakao Talk QR Childde, went up in real time. One Twitter user wrote the irony, saying, "COOV stops when the meal time is time." The Disease Management Agency explained that the Childnnection load of the KT DS Cloud Center, which has a COOV server, caused a trouble. At around 1:30 pm, Coov began to work normally, but during dinner time increased again. In the end, at 7:30 pm, the Disease Management Agency said, "I apologize for inChildnveniences due to the overload of the epidemic -proofing system," said the official position, saying, "I will not apply the epidemic -proof pass today." did. Lee Sung -jun, Lee Ju -Bin, Kim Ji -woon reporter (Inquiry JAPAN@HANI).Child.KR)


