[There is no side door] Pinin Farina Automatic Driver Concept Announcement AR Display

Mobile living room that gets from the rear

text:Jack Warrick(ジャック・ウォリック)translator:Takuya Hayashi(林 汰久也)

Italian automotive design company Pinin Farina has announced a concept car with a holographic AR (expansion reality) display in collaboration with WayRay in Switzerland.

The size is 1400mm in height, 5400mm in length, and 2200mm in width.The so -called skateboard platform -based car is a concept car for Pinin Farina's first 100 % virtual development, named "Teorema (TEOREMA / Orthodox, meaning)".

There is no side door for rigidity and weight reduction.Instead, the passenger passes through the rear of the car and led to a movable floor and arrives at the seat.

 【サイドドアがない】ピニンファリーナ 自動運転車コンセプト発表 ARディスプレイ搭載

There are three types of driving mode: auto -nomy mode for autonomous driving, drive mode, and a rest mode that allows passengers to move to your favorite position.The five sheets have a 1+2+2 layout, and can be adjusted according to the selected drive mode.

Pinin Farina describes the interior of this concept as "the feeling of being in a living room."Three front seats, including the driver's seat, can be changed to a lounge -like position that faces other crews.

Regain the joy of riding a car

Kevin Rice, Chief Creative Officer, states:

"Pinin Farina has always been using concept cars as an innovative tool for introducing new visions, showing the direction of usability and technology in the automotive industry, with an eye on the future.

"Especially in Theolema, we will omit frustration such as traffic congestion and traffic accidents, integrate AI, 5G, and the latest technology, and make passengers on a new surprising experience on the way on a trip.I want to regain the joy of being, driving, and traveling. "

The Oolema has an AR head -up display implemented by Wayray, which uses advanced driving support systems (ADAS) and navigation to provide useful traffic information, and against potential risks.Give a warning.Passengers can browse content related to the environment, local tourist attractions, landscapes, travel details and games.

The olema itself is unlikely to be commercialized immediately, but according to WayRay, many of the AR technology mounted on the car may be put into practical use in the future.

Image Pinin Farina's "Acid" [See the Teolema concept in photos] All 123 sheets
