News Your mailbox is being targeted by scammers! ? Check it out now! A trick to steal information and steal things is approaching.

There was a very scary incident. However, surprisingly, there may be many people who do not think this is scary. Because there is no real harm to yourself. However, it is fraught with various dangers. Because it is a trick to steal information and then steal things.

This month, a man in his 40s was arrested by the Metropolitan Police Department on suspicion of stealing electronic equipment.

A man places a fraudulent order on the Internet, and then a real apartment resident as the recipient. Then, we will deliver the ordered products to the delivery box of the condominium by aiming for the time when the residents are absent.

Therefore, I took out the "absent note" that the courier had posted in the mailboxfrom the mailbox, opened the box with the PIN number on it, and defrauded the product.

According to his statement, he has been doing this for the past three years and has received 900 absentee ballots.

Certainly, it is a crime that the residents of the apartment do not notice, so there is no actual harm to the person. But the absentee ballot was stolen from the mailbox.

This is very scary.

Since it is delivered when you are away, you know when the residents are not at home, and based on this information, there is a possibility that a burglary will occur.

Furthermore, it seems that the dial lock was released and the absentee slip was taken out of the mailbox, so there is no guarantee that other important mail items were also stolen.

Right now, criminals are targeting our mailboxes.

So this trick was only done by this guy?

No, it's not.

Since several years ago, it has become rampant to take absentee ballots out of the mailbox and commit crimes based on that information.

Two years ago, there was the following incident.

A male and female criminal group has been arrested by the Metropolitan Police Department on suspicion of defrauding a luxury watch with a credit card in the name of another person.

At this time as well, the criminals released the dial lock and stole utility bills and other items from the mailbox of the condominium. Then, based on that information, he forged a driver's license or other identification, opened a bank account by pretending to be that person, and then obtained a credit card.

Of course, a credit card will be mailed to your house, but around that time, the criminals were ambushed at the apartment, pulled out the absentee ballot from the mailbox, and presented the forged driver's license at the post office to receive the card. .

According to reports at the time, personal information such as addresses, family names and places of employment of about 500 people were entered into the computer of the criminal group, and since 2017, more than 16 million yen has been illegally used. It is believed that

In other words, the scheme of exploiting residents' mailboxes has continued endlessly since four years ago. And even now, it is quite conceivable that delivery boxes in some condominiums are being abused, and mail containing personal information is stolen from mailboxes.

So what can you do to protect your mailbox from abuse?

First of all, it is important for the criminal to think "This mailbox cannot be abused".

News your mailbox is a scammer Are you being targeted by others?!Check it out now!The tricks of stealing information and stealing things are approaching.

I also look into my mailbox many times a day, and if there is a leaflet in it, I take it out immediately. Fed up with the flyers that come in almost every day, it's too much trouble to take them out, so I think, ``I'll put them all together first.'' , you will be targeted.

Keep your mailbox nearly empty at all times.

More than anything, it also tells criminals that you are a vigilant person who checks mailboxes.

Some people put their house keys in the mailbox, but don't do that!

This can lead to burglary, but it can also make you think that you are not a security conscious person and target you in various ways from criminals.

One of the most common targets is mailboxes that look dirty around them.

Recently, there is no resident janitor at the entrance of the condominium, so I see flyers scattered around. In areas where management is poor and residents do not pay much attention to mailboxes, it is easy to break into entrances and commit crimes.

I also check my mailbox frequently every time I come back from outside, and I feel a certain effect at this time.

That is communication with the residents.

When you release the dial lock and take out an unnecessary leaflet, you will often be called out to "Hello" from behind. and say "Hello" in return.

If criminals see such a situation where residents communicate with each other, they will think that it is a condominium where it is difficult to commit crimes, and it will also have the effect of keeping them away.

Compared to private homes, condominiums have security cameras and seem to be more secure, but since many people come and go, it is easy for strangers to enter. . Also, where it is difficult to communicate with neighbors, gaps are created, and those who plot evil will enter there.

Just because you're at home doesn't mean you're safe.

People recruited by dark part-time job recruits sometimes carry out burglaries, robberies, etc. under the direction of organized groups, and recently there is a tendency to commit some kind of crime after obtaining information about the other party. . At that time, it is also possible to search the mailbox in order to collect information on the person in advance.

In addition, these days, it is easy for personal information to be leaked through unauthorized access. Please check again to see if there are any.

Disclosure spreads crime. This idea is old.

When I tell people about the clever tricks of these criminals, some people say the following.

"Publishing the trick of fraud is like teaching the trick to another criminal."

Some people still think like this, but it's a very old way of thinking.

When bank transfer fraud began to appear more than 10 years ago, the police also refrained from disclosing the method due to concerns about counterfeiters. However, on the contrary, it has led to many people who do not know the modus operandi being victimized.

Nowadays, as fraud evolves day by day, the police are urging caution to disclose and protect themselves if a new trick comes out.

In other words, information about successful frauds is already circulating in the underground world of criminal organizations, whether or not they publish their modus operandi on TV, news reports, etc. The only ones who don't know are us in the surface world. In other words, only those who do not know the modus operandi have fallen prey to fraud.

Nowadays, it is very important to know the latest tricks of fraudsters as soon as possible and take countermeasures to protect yourself.
