You can see "unusual" even in the operation before the news starts!What is "checkpoint" that the family should encourage the elderly to "return their license"

What is the border if the elderly drivers can continue driving?

Only those who can rely on sapers can secure the minimum safety themselves

ニュース 走り出す前の動作でも「異変」はわかる! 家族が高齢者に「免許返納」を促すべき「チェックポイント」とは

 It is difficult for the elderly to return their driver's license. It's a great courage to decide on your own. In discussions with families, you will have to spend time convincing, including collecting information on transportation to cars. [Photo] Five minivans that get on and off "easy"! As a matter of fact, some of the drivers may not only be aware of the driver's eyes as well as the family's eyes, which may be helpful. First of all, as I learned at the driving school, it is safe to get into the car. When opening the door of the driver's seat, the parking lot is paying attention to the car around the car, if you are on the street, you have confirmed the existence of a subsequent vehicle, or if you can afford to do so. It is important, including the operation. If you suddenly open the door in a hurry, you may cause contact. Elderly people have a narrow field of view, and there are people and things in unexpected places. You will be able to foresee the danger of driving, as if you were in a hurry before boarding. Next, if you take the right driving posture, check the room mirror or door mirror, or neglect such preparation, you will not be able to confirm the safety in case of emergency. It may be useful to ensure one of the safety confirmation that a railway driver or a platform station staff is doing for safety confirmation. It is best to actually point your finger, but even if it is not, you are ready to drive each one to check the pointing in your heart, so you are ready for driving. It leads to reconfirm the driver's own awareness of safe driving. When you start running, do you signal the blinker? Do you check the safety of the car again with visual visual or mirror and then step on the accelerator pedal? Isn't it driving that suddenly increases the speed? Running slowly can be a preparatory exercise for driving. After that, is there any oversight of the signal? In the case of pause, is it stopped once on the stop line and stopped for a few seconds before starting? The point is that it is a compliance with laws and regulations, but it is easy to lead to an accident from the number of decades of driving career, the way of operating each operation is ambiguous, and there is no act of confirming or being conscious. Even if it takes a few seconds to confirm or conscious, if you think that you will have to be restrained for hours in the field verification or spend time for compensation for many days. , Section of just a few seconds is a time that doesn't matter. Nevertheless, humans can recognize a few seconds of comma, so even a few seconds will be overwhelming. If you get older and your mind becomes shorter, you may be even more likely. However, it is important for the driver to understand that it is a way to continue driving the car safely, and it may be that the family can cooperate. It is essential to understand each other, not to be aware of it. In addition, it is good to think that the function to prevent accidents is a driving support device. It doesn't mean that a sapor can be in any way of driving.

Naori Mihori
