News fire trucks in Yokosuka, 82 units parade, applaud from the spectators instead of the beginning.

Firefighting parade = Yokosuka Chuo Street, which was also shown in rescue performance by a ladder car

ニュース 横須賀の消防車、82台が勢ぞろい 出初め式の代わりにパレード、見物人から拍手

 "YOKOSUKA Firefighting Palade 2022", which is available in firefighting vehicles such as the Yokosuka City Fire Department, was held on the 8th at Yokosuka Chuo -dori in Otaki -cho, the city. It was held for the first time as an annual firefighter -style alternative event to prevent the new colon virus infection. [Photo] 82 cars from the City Fire Bureau, the Fire Brigade, and the US Navy Yokosuka Base Fire Corps participated in the fire vehicle parade that appeared in the parade. The fire brigade music corps marched at the top, and special vehicles such as smoke -exhausted high foam and chemical fire trucks were also visible. A rescue performance where members come down using ropes from about 20 meters above the ground with a ladder car. A large applause was sent from about 1200 parents and children who watched along the road. A boy (4) who visited his mother from Kamakura City was delighted, saying, "Everything was cool. I want to be a firefighter when it grows up." "I was able to know the firefighting power that protects the safety and security of citizens' lives," said Yoshitaka Noda.

Kanagawa Shimbun

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