Why is the latest model of the news?Some car lovers lament that "the old days were better"

A phrase that you often hear in conversations between car lovers

Why do you think old -fashioned old cars are good?

ニュース 最新モデルがベストなのになぜ? 一部のクルマ好きが「昔のほうが良かった」と嘆く理由

 A voice that is often heard when a new model of a historical model appears, "It's not this kind of XX", and "old XX was better."Most of the new models have more safety, comfortable brain, and power performance, but why are these voices heard?[Photo] There are still fans around the world!Domestic cars that influenced overseas manufacturers

The impression of the cars that I was riding at that time and I longed for often remain.

 One of the reasons is "memorable correction". Many of the people who lament that the old model was better ... are currently ongoing and are riding the old model, and it is often seen with only the sensational impression at the time of their debut. , The memory correction is strong. In addition, there are not many cases that are actually judged by comparing them, and it is not unusual for the latest model to reject spinal reflex. In particular, many people with advanced equipment have never actually experienced such equipment. Some people can see the shallow ideas that can create a feeling of understanding if they simply deny it. Of course, some people say that the old days were better after comparing them, but that's the same as those who love analog records and film cameras. Not all cars, which are not enthusiastically, can be analog. In the words of a certain celebrity, he says, "That's your impression."

I want to enjoy each goodness without hating hair!

 If you enjoy it in a 100 % hobby world, you can nod that analog old old days were better.However, if many general users travel on public roads, the latest models that are comfortable and safe are decided.Furthermore, given that the law itself has been revised to provide safety equipment as standard, it can be seen that it was an illusion that the old days were better.Certainly, like an old car, we agree that simple cars that do not have electronic control or safety equipment are fun to ride, but it is nonsense to deny all of the latest models with personal hobbies.I want to think about things from a broad perspective so that I don't say "this is the mania ...".With self -awareness ...

Old car
