News What are the fires of fire in densely populated areas? Hiroshima

In this fire, the damage was widespread, such as taking about 10 hours from the occurrence to the extinguished fire.Are there any fires and measures in densely populated areas?"Ekinishi" of Osuka -cho, Minami -ku, Hiroshima.This area, which is crowded with wooden buildings, has been designated as a "fire prevention area" by 1976, and measures such as making it difficult to burn under the Building Standards Law are required.However, many buildings made before the specification are out of the application and remain old buildings, which are not suitable for the current standard.(Director of Hiroshima City South Fire Department Prevention Division, Koji Okamura) "We have been calling the most strongly that we will not cause a fire. If a fire occurs, it is important to extinguish the fire as soon as possible." At the South Fire Station, once a year.I visited Ekinishi's shops and houses to call for fire prevention measures, and also provided a fire extinguishing method.(Director Okamura) "If the fire grows, it cannot be erased with a fire extinguisher anymore. It is important to extinguish the fire while the fire is small."I was often hit by a large fire.(Reporter Yusuke Takahashi) "In Onomichi City, multifunctional alarms are being installed." Onomichi City Fire Bureau has a free warning machine for households over the age of 75 living in densely populated houses.When smoke is detected, the flashlight near the entrance flashes and the fire occurs.(Director of Onomichi City Fire Department Prevention Division Naoki Shimoka) "Onomichi City is a town with a lot of old streets and has a lot of wooden buildings. 70 % of the deceased is implemented as a measure against densely populated land.A fire in a densely populated area that spreads at once.Experts point out the importance of water spread.(Director Matsuyama, Director of Fire Science, Tokyo University of Science) "If you endure for about 20 to 30 minutes, firefighting activities will start, so it is very important to endure during that time.It is also a measure to recreate the outer wall, and the glass that is hard to crack due to fire is now quite on the market, so I think that it can be used by changing it to such a thing.The cause of the fire is a heating utensil that uses electricity.(Director Matsuyama) "There is a sense of security that it is not a fire, but the energy is used there, so the fire can occur from there. It also has a fall prevention function, so it has such a safety function.One of the safety measures is one of the choices of choosing and using it.Measures to minimize the damage will be hurry.


ニュース 相次ぐ木造密集地の火災 対策は? 広島
