50 years old owner & mileage 30,000 km's "Mercedes -Benz" who left memories with Ku Sakamoto!What is Yukiko Kashiwagi's unexpected carnation?

Kashiwagi sits on the 1970 Mercedes -Benz 280SL driver's seat.

ニュース 坂本九さんとの思い出を残した50年超ワンオーナー&走行距離3万km台のメルセデス・ベンツの“今”に迫る! 柏木由紀子さんの意外な愛車遍歴とは?

What is an unknown episode hidden in the car of the person you care about?In the fourth part of the fourth part, we approach Yukiko Kashiwagi's favorite car history and the 1970 Mercedes -Benz 280SL.[See photo] Details of Mercedes -Benz 280SL that Yukiko Kashiwagi values (26)

Transfer the original beetle

In the first part, he spelled an episode of Mercedes -Benz "280SL" purchased by Ku Sakamoto and Yukiko Kashiwagi to commemorate the engagement.In fact, Yukiko Kashiwagi has been able to transfer her various cars from her license at the age of 18 to now.He still grasps the steering wheel and goes shopping.The first thing I bought was Volkswagen's first Beatle, who loved the design."The body color was green, but on the way, there was an" event "and I repainted it." When I was driving near Jiyugaoka, a stranger suddenly got in.It seems that the body color was immediately repainted red from the fear experience at that time.A few years after the first Beetle, the next car was the Beetle."The second beetle was purchased when a child was born. If she was a boy, she decided to give a" new car "and a girl if she was a girl, she decided to give a" second -hand "."I decided to buy a used one from the shop.The second Beetle is active in picking up children and daily shopping.He was driving on the day when it snowed.At home, a photo of the Beetle and the four families was displayed."I liked it, but I let go because the leak has become so bad. If I sent the children to the station on a rainy day, rainwater would accumulate on the floor."I bought it."At that time, I thought that BMW was good, and the person I met in Hiroshima was a BMW official," said Kashiwagi.Kashiwagi was in charge of the "Quiz Cross 5" on TV Shin -Hiroshima since 1986, and went to Hiroshima.This is a quiz program that Sakamoto has been hosting since 1983."I purchased a dark blue" 525i ". I chose the 5 series because it was recommended as an acquaintance.The cooler was also effective, so I bought "735i" after 525i.BMW's flagship sedan.The body size is much larger than the Beetle."When I was riding a BMW, my husband's driver came to my house. So when I worked, I asked the driver to drive BMW."

次ページは:BMWから思い出のクルマへ最終更新:GQ JAPAN