News This is perfect!What should the condominium disaster prevention measures and management union do?

( * The photo is an image / PIXTA)

ニュース これで万全!マンションの防災対策、管理組合は何をすべきか

Regarding disaster prevention, condominium management unions have the role of providing thorough preparation to protect residents.I will explain the points of the disaster prevention measures that the management union should take on.* This series is an excerpt and re -edited from Hiroshi Matsumoto's book, "The Old Condominium Shock!" (Nihonbashi Publishing).

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Role of condominium management unions on disaster prevention

The first step in disaster prevention is to ensure that matters stipulated in the Fire Service Law.Specifically, it is necessary to appoint a fire prevention administrator, create a fire department, train fire, report, and evacuate, and inspect firefighting equipment.The "Condominium Management Standard Guidelines" published by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism stated the following seven items as "standard response" of the management union as a disaster prevention measure.(A) The obligations of the fire prevention manager's appointment and fire department are apartments with more than 50 residents, but similar measures should be taken for condominiums that do not reach this.(B) It is essential to make sure that all residents will be informed about the creation of firefighting plans and the detached firefighting plan.(C) Inspection of firefighting equipment, etc. ■ Equipment inspection (once every six months) Appropriate installation, damage, etc. of equipment for firefighting, other matters that can be determined from the exterior, and the functions of the equipment by simple operation.We will check the items that can be determined according to the types of firefighting equipment, etc., according to the standards specified in the announcement.■ Comprehensive inspection (once a year) All or part of the firefighting equipment, etc., or using the firefighting equipment, the comprehensive functions for the firefighting equipment are firefighting equipment.Check according to the standards specified by the notification according to the types such as.(D) It is hoped that the evacuation site and the evacuation system in the event of a disaster will be cleared in the event of a disaster in the event of a disaster, and the implementation system will be announced.It is indispensable for protecting life, body, and property.(E) Creation and distribution of disaster response manuals, etc. may be revealed in the firefighting plan, but if not, it is necessary to create and distribute separately.(F) Collection of information on disaster prevention and disaster countermeasures, such as hazard maps, and publicly distributed a hazard map that describes the assumed damage status, the location and routes of the evacuation centers so that it can be safely evacuated in the event of a public needed.It is also important to actively obtain information on disaster prevention and disaster countermeasures provided by the government, including these things, and to inform the residents.(Ki) Once a year, the frequency of evacuation drills of disaster prevention drills about once a year is not provided by law, but it is necessary to regularly perform regularly once a year.However, in the case of condominiums that are subject to fire and drinks, etc., the Fire Service Law is required to be implemented twice a year.It is important to note that condominiums in the Fire Service Law are different from the definition of the "complex application -type apartment" of the standard management rules.
