Representative Yoshio Arita in the News Wishma incident x Shoichi Susumu approaches <Weekly Asahi>

Wishma Sandamari

ニュース ウィシュマさん事件の真実 有田芳生議員×指宿昭一弁護士が迫る〈週刊朝日〉

 スリランカ人女性のWishma Sandamariが、名古屋出入国在留管理局で33歳の若さで亡くなってから間もなく1年。この間、何がわかり、何が隠されているのか。遺族代理人の指宿昭一弁護士と有田芳生参院議員が“事件の闇”に迫る。【ウィシュマさんが亡くなるまでの経緯はこちら】

*** ─ The video of the surveillance camera taken during the capacity of Wishma was disclosed in the court's discretion last October, and the bereaved family and the lawyer viewed it. At the end of last year, some members of parliament were allowed to read at the Diet, and Arita also watched the video. What did you understand? Arita: On February 24, 10 days before his death, Wishma said, "Blood from the mouth, blood from the nose." He was looking for drip for nutrition, but the staff just said, "Put up for about 4 hours," with Wishma on the bed of the bed. A series of actions in Nagoya immigration is a "slow murder" because of abusive acts for those who need nursing care. Intra: On the same day, Wishma says, "I will die." On the other hand, the immigration staff said, "If you die, don't die." At that time, I was worried about Wishma's physical condition in Nagoya, and the support organization had visited many times and offered to provide infusion and treatment for immigration. So the executives of Nagoya Immigration also knew Wishma's illness. Still, he didn't take the necessary response. Arita: The video remaining in Nagoya Immigration is 295 hours. Among them, the video released at the Legal Affairs Committee's Director of the House of Representatives and the House of Representatives is 6 hours and 28 minutes. The date was until March 6, when Wishma died from February 22, last year. Intra: The video that the lawyer could view was about 4 and a half hours. Arita: There are many inconsistencies between the videos disclosed and the contents of the final report released by the National Residence Management Agency last August. Opposition parties are still pursuing problems in the Diet and also seeking intensive deliberations. The truth of Wishma's death at the age of 33 has not yet been finished.

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