News Nissan / Note Aura | "Small Advanced Car" that combines ease of handling and quality

Nissan / Note Aura | "Small Advanced Car" that combines ease of handling and quality

ニュース Nissan / Note Aura |

文・石川真禧照(自動車生活探険家)既存の人気車種の良い面を生かしつつ、派生車種を生み出す。日産が得意とする開発、販売戦略のひとつに、また先行きが楽しみな車種が加わった。ヘッドレストに組み込まれた「贅沢な音響設備」にも注目したい。写真はこちらから→Nissan / Note Aura | "Small Advanced Car" that combines ease of handling and quality若い頃から車に興味のあった人なら日産が「ローレル・スピリット」や「ブルーバード・シルフィ」という車を販売していたことを知っているだろう。日産は以前から、既存の人気車種の名前を利用して、派生車種をつくるのが得意だった。しかもその派生車種の人気は高く、やがて独立した車種になることもあった。「ノート・オーラ」は、まさに「ノート」を原型にした派生車種。元になったノートは日産の小型車のなかでも販売台数が多い人気車。その理由は使い勝手の良い大きさに加え、日産独自のモーターを使った車づくりの先進性技術の高さ、経済性などだ。しかし、大衆車として設計、開発された車は、確かに日常の足としては、何の気遣いもなく使えるのだが、中・大型車から乗り替えてきた人たちには物足りなさを感じるのも事実だ。

New possibilities for "advanced cars"

Starting with the texture of the interior material and the touch of the switch, there are few things that can be tasted in medium and large cars.There is a good idea to change to a small car that is easy to handle, but it lacks quality.A schematic of small cars equal cars has become established in domestic cars.So Nissan thought of a "small advanced car".Creating a car that spends more expensive as a luxury car is also difficult in sales strategy.However, there is a possibility of advanced cars.Thus, the development of note -aura has begun.The basic skeleton is the same as a notebook, but the left and right width of the front and rear wheel tires is widened to increase driving stability.As a result, the width of the body was slightly wider.There are not many differences in appearance.The change is about indoor materials, equipment, and driving aspects that the rider always treats.

Speaker on headrest.Spread to sound with luxurious acoustic facilities

When you open the door and sit in the driver's seat, the seating comfort of the seat is different from the notebook. The seats combined with tweed and synthetic leather feel moist and wrapped in the body. The color of the seat skin is not only black but also gray and brown. The backrest and headrest are combined with the backrest and headrests according to the color, giving a chic impression. In fact, I tested on the Nissan test course before the release, but at that time, the speaker was introduced in the headrest. This speaker turned out to be the spread of sounds. The car has such a luxurious sound equipment. This is also one of the equipment for small advanced cars. Nissan has gained an electricity that runs a driving motor by moving the in -vehicle engine. This motor rechargeable system is thankful for those who feel inconvenient in charging equipment and charging time. It can be said that it is an introductory car for those who want to experience advanced technology. It is said that not only changing from domestic and large cars, but also for imported cars are more than expected. A small new car with an advanced sense is worth trying once. Nissan / Note Aura G Total Length x Width × Full Height: 4045 × 1735 × 1525mm Wheelbase: 2580mm Vehicle Weight: 1260kg engine, Motor: Motor 3rd 3rd DOHC 1198cc, Exchange Thailitable Highest Output: 82ps / 6000RPM / 136ps Maximum Turk: 10.5kg-m / 4800rpm: 30.6kg-M drive system: front wheel drive fuel consumption rate: 27.2km / L (WLTC mode) Used fuel: Lead -free gasoline 36L mission format: Electrical typeless suspension: front / strut type, after / torsion beam type brake format: front / benchlated disc, after / drum type riding capacity: 5 Famous vehicle price: 2,61300 yen Contact: Customer consultation room 0120, 315, 232 sentence / Maeki Ishikawa (automotive life expedition) Shooting / Yasuhiko Sato * This article has been reprinted from the January 2022 issue of "Sarai" did.
