News Masaaki Sakai also participates in his car Maserati!Corona's circle of car lovers who can none

Masaaki Sakai also participated in Maseratidi, which was held for the first time in two years.

ニュース 堺正章さんも愛車マセラティで参加! コロナ禍でも負けないクルマ好きたちの輪

Don't lose to the new colon virus!Maserati's fan meeting "Maseratidi" will be held for the first time in two years.How did car lovers change the life work of carona?Kar Historian Shinichi Koshi will report.[Explanation in photos] Nostalgic for the supercar generation?Maserati Bora is the 50th anniversary of birth!

Automotive event is gradually reviving!?

 Under Corona's evil, a major change was seen in the supercar world.One is that the latest high -performance cars and classic car markets are booming."Because the delivery is delayed, the stock car has been gone more and more. It's a nice thing, but the brand that must be exposed to a large quantity will be short of goods and it will be tough," says a cardiller manager.。It is a new phase of corona that everyone wants when the delivery is slow down and it is difficult to get things.Furthermore, those who thought that they would like to get a supercar someday as the ultimate goal of life, have changed their way of thinking because they were involved in this corona.No matter how economically you can afford, driving a car is in a severe health condition, and there is no child.So even if you can't, you'll feel like you'll get it soon.That's why the supercar market is very exciting, and many industries, such as sales, maintenance, and customization, are busy.On the other hand, many car events, which have increased with each day, have been canceled from the perspective of avoiding "three dense".A car hobby is boring just to run alone, and it can be stalled just on the Internet.Most of the supercars that I was involved in have been stopped since the spring of 2019, including touring, dinner, and staying events.If you just run, a car may be a safe place, but it is impossible to make human contact zero at an event.In terms of maximizing safety measures against unknown viruses, self -restraint of car events was inevitable, and hobbies that are often seen in a rigorous environment are often seen in a tough environment.The idea that you should avoid it is also reasonable.However, in 2020, as the actual situation of the virus was gradually understood, our behavior has also changed, and public opinion has also increased that economic activities should not be stopped.The trend was more clear in Europe, who visited the business several times last year.There was also a strong feeling that the history of long events, which had been continued without many obstacles, should not be stopped.Some risks and accusations are prepared.Therefore, the historic public road rally Millemilia was also held in Italy, and events in Goodwood in the UK were very exciting.In Japan, the other day, an auto salon was held for the first time in two years.


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