News Approaching the actual situation of the "cyber battle" that occurs in the Ukrainian invasion in Japan

Russia has begun an invasion of Ukraine.

It is noted how far the Ukraine comes from here, but unfortunately, the United States and NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) repeatedly stated that even if Russia invaded military invasion, Ukraine was repeated.Is likely to deal with Russia, who boasts 900,000 troops, with only less than 200,000 troops.

I saw that it would stop in a small military operation this time, but recently the Joe Biden administration has told American parliamentarians that the Russian unit is already near the capital, Kyiv. So, confusion can spread further.

One thing to keep in mind is information work.Operation of fake flag, fake news, and self -made performances have been spread from the Russian side and the Ukraine side, and are spread on SNS and other places.It is important not to take all information, images, and videos from the site.

In such a situation in Ukraine, the United States seems to be considering a cyber attack to support Ukraine in a "isolated" state.

■ U.S. cyber abilities led by Japanese III

In the U.S. military, the cyber army performs an off -en -sex cyber attack against other countries.His attack capacity is one of the world's world -class, and the attack technology is supported by the NSA (US National Security Bureau).The NSA has excellent American white hackers and doctoral class human resources.

Both organizations are based on the Fortmed Army base in Maryland, and the top is the same.Currently, Vice Admiral Paul Nakasone of the Japanese III serves as Commander Cyber Army and Secretary of NSA.

By the way, Nakasonone was a person who was once deeply involved in the planning of Nitro Zeus, a cyber attack strategy that the U.S. Army would implement in an emergency.The Nitro Zeus was assumed that the power network and a communication network in Iran were blocked since the first day of the emergency with Iran.In other words, these attacks are the options that the United States considers in an emergency.

It is said that President Biden has been presenting a cyber attack option for Russia since Russia's invasion began.The attack is, for example, an option to stop the Internet connection from a stopping Russian power network.In addition, cyber attacks are being considered to interfere with transportation systems when adding armaments and units.

The stop of the power network is a cyber attack that Russia has actually implemented in Ukraine many times in the past, and the United States has the ability to execute Russia.It is believed that since normal time, cyber work on infrastructure and the like (securing a system that can be used for emergency events, such as infection of viruses) as preparation for attacking Russia.

ニュース 日本にも教訓 ウクライナ侵攻で起きる「サイバー戦」の実態に迫る

Regarding the interruption of the Internet, Russia has been a long -awaited scenario, and Russia once claimed that in the event of an emergency, it would cut off the Internet to prevent interference from the Internet network.The confusion when the Internet, which has become an infrastructure such as social life and economic activity, is difficult.

By the way, the White House has now denied that these cyber attack scenarios are considering.

■ Depth of cyber cooperation from European countries

Many countries, including NATO countries, have spared their cooperation in the United States.Countries such as the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Israel have excellent hacking abilities, and have always provided useful confidential information about Russia in the cyber space.For example, the Netherlands intelligence has also invaded the surveillance camera of Russian government facilities by hacking and provided the information obtained to the United States.

The most important thing is the following points:

The United States can also get detailed information on digital products and equipment from western manufacturers introduced by Russian key industries and government agencies.Such information is essential for successful cyber attacks for organizations and facilities in Russia.In the past, the United States used Iranian nuclear fuel facilities with cyber attacks, ordering the exact same device (such as Germany made) used inside, reproducing the internal control device, and repeatedly training cyber attacks.Sometimes.

By the way, I think this story will be a lesson in Japan.If you do not actively introduce your own -made product into infrastructure, you will not be able to keep safety.In the modern age of cyber attacks, it is better to avoid the introduction of rival countries in important facilities.

However, cyber attacks are not destructive to directly deprive their lives.If anything, it is an image of sabotage.It has been said that the United States is trying to stop by obstruction rather than destruction this time.The reason is that attacks, which could be considered an armed attack even in cyber attacks, cannot be done to other countries in the United States.

In particular, the United States has argued that in cyber space, it should be in accordance with international law that prohibits preemptive attacks.Russia and China have fully denied the United States's claims to follow international law regarding the code of conduct in the cyber space, which has been discussed in the United Nations.However, it cannot be broken by the United States.

■ It starts before the invasion

On the other hand, it must be remembered that these attacks could be implemented from the Russian side, including Ukraine and the West.Since the uproar over Ukraine has occurred, Russia has already set up three united cyber attacks in Ukrainian government agencies.Immediately after Russia invaded, according to Ukraine's Mihailo Fedrov Digital Public Minister of Digital, WIPER (attack that erases the infected system) and DDOS attacks (attacks that send a large amount of data to make functional failure).Is confirmed.

These attacks may also be implemented in addition to the actual progress.Not only in the United States, which announced economic sanctions, but also in Japan, it may be better to assume that cyber attacks close to obstructions may increase, as the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is calling for alert early.By the way, in the case of Russia, it is analyzed that there is a connection with an information agency even if it is a cyber criminal organization that scatters ransomware (a ransom requested virus), so it is in line with the intentions of Russian countries.There is a possibility that the attack will increase.

I don't know how the Ukrainian situation will develop, but keep an eye on the trends of Cyber attacks that Russia and Western countries.
