News inspection valley ward is a new power supply system Minamiboso (Chiba Prefecture)

In front of the public hall where the original power supply system was introduced = Minamiboso

ニュース 検儀谷区が地区公民館に新電源システム 南房総(千葉県)

Three years ago, a long -term power outage due to a typhoon hit the lives of the people of Boshu. The damage to the house due to the strong wind was painful, but I couldn't use any home appliances, there was no information, and I realized the inconvenience without light at night. Above all, the anxiety of spending time in the dark every day dropped a dark shadow on the hearts of people. The prosecutor ward of Minamiboso City (Mayor Norio Goto, 38 households) has introduced a nightlight system by solar power in the district public hall to enhance its functions as a regional shelter. It is likely to be an excellent case as a disaster prevention base that is mainly for residents, with a unique response to the ward. The people of Boshu who lived in the disaster in the dark due to a power outage. Everyday life has stopped and it has become difficult to obtain information. Not only at home, but also in evacuation shelters, many people have realized the value of power in the situation of power outage. In the prosecution valley, no one had evacuated to the district public hall "Honobonokan" due to that typhoon, but the blow due to a power outage was shared with the ward officers and residents. It cannot be said that there is no major natural disaster in the future, and the intention to protect the public hall, which is the base of the district, is the highest priority. ▽ 365 days as an evacuation site, there is lighting, and the room can act freely without flashlights, and information on TV, radio, smartphone, etc., and function as a power supply system even in the event of a disaster-, etc. To build a power supply system. However, the number of households was small and the budget was limited. We have applied for subsidies to the city and secured our own financial resources for the ward budget. From the amount of money, we searched for what we could do with the residents instead of ordering the trader. The maintenance after installation was also required by the inhabitants. Although there was an option to buy an engine generator, solar power was selected in terms of operating days and daily maintenance.

Introduced power supply system = same

Since the residents had specialized engineers, solar panels were installed on the outer wall, and a charging system was launched with a special battery. From the point of power generation efficiency, it is desirable to install a power generation panel on the roof, but many elderly residents are difficult to maintain in the future, so a panel has been installed on an reached southern vertical wall. The lighting is two luminous diodes (LED) bulbs. Inverters and charging equipment are also divided into two systems, and the system is switched, preventing battery deterioration. It also supports TV power supply and smartphone charging. Because of the introduction of optical sensors, the room lights up only at night, and as a nightlight, the security is also enhanced. It has already entered the practical stage, and the charging ability has been proven. Near the device, the contact information of the administrator was specified, so that the residents could use it with confidence. Mayor Goto said, "I was looking for what I could do with the residents, including maintenance. I would like to see the battery consumption in the future. There is no such thing as using this shelter, but there is a nightlight and a power outage. But I think that having a safe public hall will help residents' hearts. "

Bunch of the bunch
