News ``I don't want to go back to a difficult time'' Amami Oshima: Concerns over the spread of infection in the tourism industry

Amami Oshima, where vigilance against the spread of new corona infections has increased since the beginning of the year = 6th, Amami City, Kagoshima Prefecture


 In Amami Oshima, Kagoshima Prefecture, where the number of people infected with the new coronavirus is increasing, there are widespread voices of concern about the impact on economic activity. Until now, we have heard earnest voices from people involved in the tourism industry who have been greatly affected by large-scale infections, saying, "I don't want to go back to the difficult times of the year before and last year." Some facilities have begun to cancel reservations, raising concerns about the spread of infection. Since October 1, 2018, when the national state of emergency was declared and key measures to prevent the spread of the virus were lifted, travel demand has recovered thanks to factors such as World Natural Heritage registration. Amami Oshima's tourism industry was regaining its vitality, but anxiety gradually increased around the end of last year when a new mutant strain, the Omicron strain, began to spread across the country. On the 6th, when 61 new infections were announced in the prefecture, a hotel official on the island said, ``I was expecting and prepared for the spread of the infection to the island, but it happened earlier than I expected. The infection situation on the island is a big shock. I've been having a hard time since the year before last, and I'm finally getting better, so if possible, I don't want to go back." The hotel has not canceled any accommodation reservations due to COVID-19 until the 6th, but it is said that new reservations for banquets are slowing down. "Car rental companies are also beginning to be affected." Mitsuyoshi Fukuhara, 48, a staff member of Orix Rent-A-Car in Kasari-cho, Amami City, said, "At the moment, the impact is not large, but cancellations are becoming more noticeable. The situation has been the same since the beginning of the coronavirus, so I don't think there is much. I'm trying to think positively without worrying about it.In the store, we are asking people to measure their temperature, disinfect, and wash their hands. At the Kuroshio Forest Mangrove Park in Sumiyocho, Amami City, where canoeing is popular, the number of group tour cancellations has increased since the beginning of the year. "It's gotten better thanks in part to its registration as a World Natural Heritage Site," said Yoshito Inamoto, 61, manager of the management section with a sigh. The number of customers has been steadily returning since October last year when the state of emergency was lifted, and there were tour reservations almost every day in January. "It's a pity that people came all the way to Amami and couldn't enjoy canoeing. If an infected person comes out of the facility, it will be closed. I want to take measures to prevent infection, focusing on wearing masks, washing hands, and ventilation." Told. Tourists are also enjoying sightseeing on the island while paying attention to measures against infectious diseases. A woman in her 30s who came to the island with her family for 3 nights and 4 days said, "I've been planning a trip since December. I think I'll avoid the crowds and go sightseeing," he said.

Nankai Nichinichi Shimbun of Amami

Last update: Nankai Nichinichi Shimbun