News high -speed work car is not too late!? Is it a violation to overtake?How to deal with scenes that are common in winter

Isn't it good to overtake a work car you see on the highway during the winter?

 If you drive on the highway in winter, you may see a work car that removes snow.On each highway, various vehicles take measures against snow ice to secure traffic during winter.[Image] I'm so amazing that I laugh!See the suddenly appearing "Snow 2 -story Bus" (14 pieces)

ニュース 高速の作業車遅すぎない!? 追い越すのは違反? 冬にありがちな場面の対処方法とは

Isn't the overtaking of the "snow and ice vehicle" seen on the highway during the winter?(Image is an image)

 NEXCO's NEXCO's materials for snow and ice measures include vehicles such as "snow removal trucks", "rotary snow removal cars", and "solution scattered cars" for snow and ice protection vehicles.These vehicles are collectively referred to as "snow and ice vehicles" and play various roles during the winter.For example, in order to prevent the road surface from freezing, a "freezing prevention agent spraying work" is performed on the road with a freezing anti -salted agent (salt such as solid salt and salt water).In addition, there is a snow removal work with a snowplow (plate -shaped snow removal device) on the front, and snow removal work that falls on the shoulder of the highway outside the main line with a snowplow on the roadside of the highway.On the other hand, on the website of NEXCO companies and other companies, such work vehicles can be described, "Please note that overtaking is dangerous."This is explained by a public relations representative in NEXCO in NEXCO as follows."Before the snow ice work vehicle, it is a snowy road and frozen road before the work, and it is very dangerous. Also, if only the driving lane is removed in a snowplow, the general vehicle is overtaking.If you overtake a snowplow using, you may have snow and freezing agents during snow removal, causing accidents, causing accidents, or stains on vehicles. "It is dangerous to overtake the road surface, as it may slip due to a normal general vehicle driving.On the other hand, is it possible to avoid working vehicles?The person in charge mentioned above will talk about this as follows."In snow and ice work, you can check the work of snow removal, freezing preventive agents, and drop off on the dedicated website" Snow Removal NAVI ", which provides information in real time 24 hours in real time.NEXCO Central Japan's transportation information I would like to check the latest traffic information at "I Highway Central Japan" and "Japan Road Traffic Information Center (JARTIC)".We do various tasks to ensure safe traffic.For this reason, in addition to overtaking it, try to keep a sufficient distance between cars.
