Recommended for News Government Society "Wearing Mask for Nursery School children"

The government's subcommittee over the new colona has compiled suggestions for infection prevention measures that match the characteristics of Omicron strain. It is recommended that nursery school children wear masks as much as possible. Chairman Shigeru Omi, Chairman of the New Corona Countermeasures Subcommittee, "We discussed the infection a little faster and only this method, and discussed only this method today." "We proposed specific infection measures at" nursery school "," facilities for the elderly ", and" business establishments ". In the original draft, nursery schools recommend wearing masks as much as possible as possible. However, since the cautious voices are also continuous, they are not specified uniformly to be 2 years old or older, and have been revised to the expression "We recommend wearing as much as possible for children who are easily judged by developing status". 。 In addition, the temporary school closed schools should be carefully considered, based on the guarantee of the learning of children and the impact on the mind and body. " In addition, there was an opinion on the number of days to be closed for three or five days, but the proposals were not specifically included.


ニュース 政府分科会“保育園児にもマスク着用”推奨
