News As about 14th next week, "Gemini Hydai Stars" will be expected on the peak Pacific side


In the first half of next week, there are many places where it clears around the Pacific Ocean side, and there is a chance to see one of the three major meteor groups that peaks around the 14th.There are places where it is cold like winter, so prepare cold goods now.

ニュース 来週14日頃に「ふたご座流星群」がピーク 太平洋側では期待大

Gemini Hydra Class Peak is around the 14th

The "Gemini Star Stars" will be maximized around 4:00 pm on the 14th.However, since it is before sunset, the most observational conditions are from the night to the end of the 13th to the end of the 14th to the end of the 14th to 15th.In the early morning of the 14th, which is the most visible, it is expected that you can see about 40 to 50 per hour in dark places.To make it easier to find a shooting star, choosing a place with as little light as possible, choosing a place where the sky can be seen widely, overlooking not only radiation points, and looking at the directions with less moonlight.Although the number decreases before and after the peak, it may be seen.Look up at the night sky on a sunny day.

Observation chance on the Pacific Ocean side is unfortunate on the Sea of Japan side


There are many places on the Pacific Ocean side from the 12th to the 15th, so it seems that there is a chance to see the "Gemini Star Stars".Cold measures are indispensable for winter astronomical observations.In the first half of next week, there are places where winter is cold, so please keep it cold when observing outdoors.On the other hand, on the Sea of Japan side from Hokkaido to Hokuriku, it is susceptible to low pressure and chills, and there are many rainy and snowy days, so it is likely to be unfortunate for astronomical observation.

Japan Meteorological Association Headquarters Masahiro Kimura
