News 2022 The largest IPO is expected to be the largest IPO

Reddit co -founder Alexis Ohanian (Getty Images)

ニュース 2022年最大規模のIPOが期待されるユニコーン8社

In 2021, 1007 companies in the United States conducted IPOs, and the number of listed cases increased twice as the previous year.The background is that the height of stocks has progressed and the number of listeds through the merger with SPAC (specially acquired company) has increased.In 2022, influential unicorns with a corporate value of over $ 1 billion are listed, but here we will carefully select and introduce the hottest companies.■ Chime (CHIME) Latest valuation: $ 25 billion (after september funding) The San Francisco digital bank chime is up to $ 45 billion in March (about 5).Stakeholders told Forbes in October that negotiations are being made in the direction of listing with the valuation of 2 trillion yen).CEO's Chris Brit said in September 2020 that the chime would prepare an IPO within a year."I have received two calls per week from the SPAC and are asking if we are interested in entering the market quickly," he said.Discorded (Discord) latest valuation: $ 15 billion (after financing in September) online chat service discords have not yet been officially announced, but investors have invested in April last year.He has been hoping for their IPOs since withdrawing from the acquisition negotiations with Microsov, which was at least $ 10 billion."We are receiving a large amount of offer," he said, a co -founder of discording and CEO Jason Citron (Jason Citron), a co -founder of discords, who had sold game -related startup companies for $ 140 million in 2011.Was described in the CNBC interview the following month.Citron told the company and about 150 million active users that "tremendous opportunities are expanding," but he has not disclosed specific plans.Impossible (IMPOSSIBLE) Latest Value: $ 4 billion (after financing in August 2020) CEO Pat Brown, founder of Impossible Foods, said that the company's IPO was inevitable in November.As I said, I did not mention the clear time.According to reports, the impossibility, which has been raising a total of $ 1.5 billion since its founding in 2011, is looking at the valuation of $ 10 billion, with a market capitalization of $ 5 billion, which was listed in Nasduck in 2019.It is said that Beyond is pursued in earnest.■ Instacart's latest valuation: $ 39 billion (after financing in March) Instagram for food delivery service, which was initially rumored to be $ 50 billion, hoped for listing in 2021 in 2021.However, Fiji Simo, who became a new CEO last July, has postponed its plan to expand services other than food delivery.The stock price of other competitors has fallen by about 15 % since the listing in December 2020, but EMARKETER has stated that Instalkt has a secret to growth.It is said that it is an ad platform for retailers to advertise their products, which is currently growing.

次ページは:トランプ前大統領が創業したメディア企業も最終更新:Forbes JAPAN