News Beijing Olympics Defective, Dangers of monitoring and censorship

Athletes, spectators, and media are required to use the Beijing Winter Olympics, and there is a security defect and there is a possibility that users' personal information may be leaked, and the Cyber ​​Security Research Team at the University of Toronto. He warned on January 18. The Beijing Olympics's health management app "My2022" has a "simple but catastrophic" flaw, failing to encrypt user data, and that personal information is exposed to "Citizen". "Citizen Lab" reported. It is said that eavesdropping people who run the Wi-Fi hot spot to know when the user has communicated with. Participants must use this app to upload information such as passport details, travel plans, and medical history before arriving in China, and continue to use it for daily monitoring during the event period. The app states that the app can censor about 2400 keywords related to politics, but this feature seems to be at present. The security issue of the app is likely to violate Google and Apple's policy. Forbes asks Google and Apple for comments. The report of the app is "not particularly surprising," for apps that operate in China, as the security issues are found in most of the most popular web browsers in China. This is not the first time that cyber security issues have been pointed out in the winter Olympics. The US Olympic and Paralympic Committee last week, in order to avoid monitoring by the Chinese government, use a temporary terminal of a prepaid type, refraining from using individual electronic devices during the tournament to avoid monitoring by the Chinese government. I recommended it to do. USA Today reports that the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada have received similar recommendations. According to CNN, at least 567 million surveillance cameras are installed throughout China. This is said to be six times the number of US surveillance cameras.


最終更新:Forbes JAPAN

ニュース 北京五輪の選手向けアプリに欠陥、監視や検閲の危険性
