News report | Top | Welding smoke order modification, corresponding to the scene, specific policy issued by Japan Welding Association

 On December 7, the Japan Welding Association (Nippon Association) convened representatives of various ministries and committees under the headquarters of the Association in Chiyoda District, Tokyo, and issued to its members the outline and correspondence of the rules for the prevention of obstacles of specific chemical substances in metal arc welding operations. This is due to the fact that in April this year, the Ministry of Health and Labor revised and promulgated decrees (Labor Safety and Health Law implementation order) and decrees (specific chemical substance obstacle prevention rules = specialized rules), and welding enterprises summarized the matters and countermeasures in detail. The amendments to the law and regulations are based on the fact that alkaline manganese oxide in welding fumes may cause neurological damage and health disorders to workers, according to an investigation by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. As a result, the welding flue gas is designated as a specially regulated substance, and the manganese concentration during the welding process is specified. In addition, welding operators, welding smoke concentration measurement, overall ventilation review, selection and use of effective respiratory protection, such as respiratory protection coordination testing has become necessary. This publication, before the revision and implementation of the law and decree in April next year, the members took it as their reference when promoting their work, and explained in detail the countermeasures on the basis of the data collected by the Safety and Health Association of Japan and the Environment Committee. The main contents of this release are as follows: What should be done by welding enterprises (indoor workplaces) = what should be done by welding enterprises (indoor workplaces where work continues) are "measurement of welding flue gas concentration, etc.", "re-evaluation of overall air exchange", "measurement of welding flue gas concentration, etc. (the second time)", "selection of protective equipment for effective breathing", "cooperation test" 5 items. How to deal with the measurement of welding flue gas = the concentration measurement of welding flue gas is the business carried out by "the first kind of working environment surveyor". As a method, we select two or more offices and measure them with the method of "personal exposure measurement". Although methods can also be considered, such as surveying hiring job appraisal surveyors in their own company, because the cost of purchasing and maintaining measuring instruments is expensive, in the current situation, it is realistic to entrust to a third party. The measurement of the concentration of welding flue gas can be carried out once under the condition that there is no change in the content and space of welding business. As the consignor of welding flue gas concentration measurement, it is represented by the Japanese working Environment Measurement Association and the Central Labor disaster Prevention Association. You can also know the enterprises that can carry out the measurement from the home page of the Japan working Environment Measurement Association, which is a qualified publisher. Why two measurements of welding flue gas concentration are recommended = after the overall air exchange is re-evaluated, "measurement of welding flue gas concentration, etc. (second)" is recommended. Due to the respiratory protection device of the welding business all workers re-observe ventilation changes when measuring once, improve ventilation review, and face the welding business through re-measurement there in the best case. With regard to the overall ventilation, because it is "taking the same measures", it includes local exhaust devices, push-pull ventilation devices, and so on. Due to respiratory protection, all workers in the welding business are re-observed when ventilation changes are measured once, improved ventilation is reviewed, and it is recommended that measurements be carried out again. As to whether the mask with N95 specification can be used = "selection of respiratory protective devices", it is determined by the type of dust mask and the specified protection factor (PF). The concentration of hazardous substances in the PF= working environment / the concentration of harmful activity room in the respiratory protective apparatus is calculated. Although well known, N95 is an American standard and is not allowed to be used by domestic regulations (dust law) in the welding business. In the selected occasions of respiratory protective devices, welding companies require, in the final analysis, products defined by Japanese standards such as Japanese standard DS2 in the final analysis. Even if it is considered to have the same performance, you need to choose a mask that is certified by the state rather than the N95. Dust masks are disposable or replacement, but in continuous arc welding and other operations, the Japanese dissolution Association recommends replacement dust masks. The difference between fit test and fit test = compulsory fit test begins in 2023. The voluntary measurement of welding flue gas concentration and the implementation of overall air exchange have been delayed for one year since April 22. The fitting test is a coefficient indicating the degree of close contact between the worker's face and the mask of the respiratory protective device. Before the welding business, individuals carry out different things such as "the suction port of the dust mask is blocked, there is no problem with the tightness of the chest" and other things suitable for inspection (or sealing inspection). The qualified line suitable for testing is difficult to achieve if you do not know the correct installation method of breathing protective equipment because the leakage rate between the air face and the face is less than 1%. Since the welding business cannot be carried out without an agreement, the person in charge of the implementation of the fit test confirms that the installation method of respiratory protective equipment is useful before now. In addition, the enterprise chooses the operation director of specific chemical substances from those who have finished the "skills training of operation directors such as specific chemicals and tetraalkyl lead" to manage the operation site. It is mandatory for the person in charge of the fit test to record the fit test. The suitable test object is everyone who is engaged in welding, which is carried out at least once a year. Only TIG welding with less welding fume (including aluminum welding) is carried out = this legal amendment is not for manganese but for welding fume, so even if Tig welding is no exception, welding flue gas concentration measurement and fitness test must be carried out.

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