"Best correspondence" explained by Tokyo Metro by the news of the news, indiscriminate stabs, and abnormalities.

In 2003, 192 people died in the arson of South Korea and a catastrophe of 148 people injured.

Conducted abnormal cases assuming a series of violent cases by Tokyo Metro [Photo: Encount editorial department]

ニュース 相次ぐ放火や無差別刺傷、異常時想定訓練が公開 東京メトロが説明した「最善の対応」

 Tokyo Metro's abnormality training was held at the Koto Ward Comprehensive Training Training Center on the 22nd, and the training in collaboration with police and firefighting was reported.The training was based on the assumption that "a suspicious person swung a knife in the car, an event caused by an emergency in the car, and after the emergency call was operated by passengers, the door and train doors stopped at a shifted position.implementation.In the facility that faithfully reproduced the actual vehicles and platforms, the role of the culprit waving the knife was seized by police officers as passengers escaped, and there was an indifferent training.[Photo] An unpleasant atmosphere that is unlikely to be a training ... Passengers who escaped from the train occurred on August 6 this year, an indiscriminate stab injury in the Odakyu Line, which was seriously injured and lightly injured.On October 31, an indiscriminate sashimi incident occurred again in the Keio Line, saying, "I referred to the Odakyu Line case," and 18 people were seriously injured.In addition, on the 17th of this month, an arson case was caused by gasoline in a building in Kitashinchi, Osaka, and it was a catastrophe in which 25 people died.This training also looks like a series of violent cases.

The best response at the moment is "stop for the next station" [Photo: Encount editorial department]

 "A series of incidents were extremely challenging for railway companies that guarantee safety and convenience to customers. It is difficult to completely prevent it. It is difficult to prevent it.The stop at the station is the best response at the moment, "he said, but what if gasoline was sown in the car and a large -scale fire would make it impossible to move the train itself?In 2003, a gasoline arson incident occurred on a Subway in South Korea, killing 192 people, including passengers, and a catastrophe of 148 people.Based on the lessons of the case, it is said that non -combustible and flame -retardant materials are now used for vehicles and seats.Deputy Director Kogure said, "Even if the fuel is burned, it will not spread the fire from there. If there is a fire in the car, the vehicle can be moved.It can be gone. "In Japan, the Hokuriku Tunnel Fire accident in Japan also caused a power outage due to the overhead wire to the trains, killing 30 people, killing 714 injured.Even if accidents can be prevented, how do you take measures against malicious indiscriminate murderers?Railway companies are also bothering their heads.

Encount editorial department
