At the time of contact with a news high school student, the police officer had a baton in his hand and the handle was investigating the students due to the burst of an eye during the investigation.

In front of the front entrance of the Okinawa station where stones and sticks were scattered = around 5:10 am on the 28th

 A high school student (17) = the city = who was riding a motorcycle on the street of Miyazato, Okinawa City on the 27th, and a high school student blinded his right eye due to a rupture of an eyeball.When the government contacted, the prefectural police official found that he had a baton in his hand.The transported high school student has testified to the rescue team and mother that he was beaten by a police stick from the right.Okinawa Station plans to investigate the situation in detail by listening to high school students in the future.[Video] "Apologize quickly" young people gathered in front of the Okinawa station.When a stone or a firecracker was thrown in, the cheers and finger flute resounded, "Police officers stopped the motorcycle and asked the right hand to ask the job questions."He did not clarify whether he had usually got a baton on his waist.Details are being investigated, such as the left and right hand stickers and the high school students.In the station, the chiefs and others had a meeting on the same event on the 29th.According to prefectural police officials, the male police officer at the time got off the police car and walked on foot due to the alert of runaway acts in the city.Currently, it seems that they are promoting the witness of colleague police officers and analysis of surrounding security camera images.In the accident, a high school student was seriously injured on Internet videos.From midnight on the 27th, 300-400 people from young people surrounded the Okinawa Station in the early morning of the following day.The station is also investigating the property damage, as some of the glass windows and police vehicles at the station have been broken.


ニュース 高校生と接触時、警察官は手に警棒を持っていた 持ち手は調査中 眼球破裂で生徒失明
