News A man in his 30s who threw a photo of three generations of Kim Jong-un and his son on the market ... The police "happening" investigation ended = South Korea

A man in his 30s who threw away three generations of Kim Jong-un's father and son photos on the market... The police "happening" investigation ended = South Korea (Image provided by: wowkorea)

News Photos of three generations of Kim Jong Un and his father A man in his 30s who dumped a photo of Kim Jong-un on the market... Police 'happening' investigation ends = South Korea</p><p>The South Korean police, who were investigating a man in his 30s for throwing a photo of North Korea's Kim Jong-un (Kim Jong-un) and his three-generation parents on the market, concluded that it was an incident without criminal suspicion on the 22nd. announced it was finished. Around 5:00 pm on the 18th of this month, at the Morang Market in Seongnam City, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea, the late Chairman Kim Il-sung and the late Kim Jong-il (Kim Jong-il)英)Citizens found a photograph of three generations of father and son, including General Secretary and General Secretary Kim Jong-un, in an A4-size frame and thrown away on a bench, and reported it to the police. The Jonan Nakanoin Police Station, which began the investigation, used surveillance cameras to ascertain the identity of the man and investigated the facts on the 21st. As a result of the interview, about two months ago, while traveling with a friend, Mr. A, a company employee, played a game about giving

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