News 21st Chiba Prefecture Penal Currier Automotive is worst yard, road net network factors or crude criminal offense decreased

Number of monthly recognition of violent criminal

 The number of criminal offenders in Chiba Prefecture in 2021 was 32,638, a decrease of 2047, year -on -year, and it was found in the Prefectural Police summarized by the 17th to decline for 19 consecutive years. By the crime, the "theft" accounted for about 70 % of the total, of which 89 were the worst nationwide with an increase of 89, 759. There was also an effect on the expansion of the new colona infection, including the decrease in the emergency declaration period, such as assault and injury. According to the Prefectural Police Life and Safety and General Affairs Division, the number of cars in the prefecture is high in Japan every year. The number of cognitive cases itself has been declining since 1538 in 2016, but last year it increased for the first time in five years. In the prefecture, "yards", which store and dismantle cars for the purpose of overseas exports, have been confirmed in the country's largest (as of the end of December last year), and the fact that the port and highway network are likely to be developed are likely to be targeted. It is thought. Trucks accounted for about 20 % of the stolen models. In addition, a total of 15 % of the luxury car Land Cruiser and Lexus are noticeable, and the Prius is 10 %. Despite the fact that about 80 % of the total was locked, it was damaged. As a countermeasure, the section is to install handle locks, tire guards, outsiders, and GPS equipment, and parked in a bright, crime prevention equipment. The person in charge calls, "It's important to make it time and effort to steal, and make the criminal think it's hard to steal." By criminal offense, the number of "thugs", such as murder and robbery, was reduced by 35, 98 "violent criminals" were reduced by 1947, and "theft" was 1166, down 13,715. "Intellectual criminals" such as fraud 44 decreased, 1664 cases. The number of "customs criminals" such as gambling and obscene was 411. The main increased factor, which increased by 48, to 148 cases, to upload uncensored obscene images on the Internet bulletin board. On the other hand, looking at the number of recognition of the "violent criminal" by month, the largest number is 190 in November. It was after the 25th). At least 116 in January. 127 cases in February and 133 in August continued, and all of them were issued an emergency declaration. The prefectural police officer said, "If you refrain from providing alcoholic beverages due to an emergency declaration, you will inevitably have less opportunities to contact others. I analyzed.


ニュース 21年千葉県内刑法犯 自動車盗が全国ワースト ヤード、道路網要因か 緊急宣言期間の粗暴犯は減少
