News 2021 was the year of car technology!Journalists are "Surprised, impressed" 5 new technologies and mounted vehicles

The latest technology that leads to the future that appeared in the automotive industry in 2021

 In 2021, the Japanese automotive industry was a year when new and attractive new cars appeared one after another, while there were various problems such as corona and semiconductor issues.2021-2022 In the selection of the Japan Car of the Year, the selection committee was worried about it.[Photo] 14 -inch display of Lexus NX!Here, we concluded in 2021, which appeared in the latter half of 2021, and decided to introduce five points, the latest technology, the latest equipment, which will be connected in 2022, from the perspective of "I was surprised and impressed."

ニュース 2021年はクルマの技術の当たり年だった! ジャーナリストが「驚き、感動した」新技術5選と搭載車

1)Toyota MIRAIのAdvanced Drive

Toyota MIRAI

 まず、筆頭に挙げたいのがToyota MIRAIである。水素社会を目指すFCV(燃料電池自動車)であることや、電気で走るそのスムースさ、圧巻の静かさは当然として、さらなる感動と驚きを得たのが、現時点でレクサスLSとこのMIRAIに用意されているAdvanced Driveの機能である。無線通信、または販売店での有線接続でクルマの購入後も常に最新のソフトウェア(制御ソフトおよび高精度地図ソフト)に更新可能で、その更新によって機能・性能が段階的に進化し、最新の運転支援を提供してくれるというものだ。 では、どんなところに驚いたのか? それはまず、ナビゲーションで目的地を設定していることが前提ながら、ドライバー監視(カメラがドライバーを見ている)のもと、システムが認知、判断、操作を支援。高度なACC+レーンキープのような車線、車間維持、カーブ手前減速制御を行ってくれるほか、なんと分岐、車線変更、追い越しまで自動で行ってくれるのだから、ほぼ自動運転レベル2.Equivalent to 5.The driver is free from the operation of the accelerator, brake, and steering while driving on the main line of highways and automotive roads (even if you do not use Advanced Drive, the latest Toyota Safety Sense = advanced operation support.You can drive using functions).Nevertheless, there have been cars with similar functions in domestic cars so far.I was even more surprised by the experience of actually setting the destination with Advanced Drive and running high -speed.The high -performance is full of hospitality, for example, when overtaking large cars such as trucks, you can avoid anxiety about large cars by running to the right, which takes a distance from a parallel car.I will give you.I am grateful for this.Moreover, at the junction point, it is safe because it captures the merged car early, decelerates early, and has hospitality to support the smooth junction of the opponent's vehicle.In addition, on a route where the lane decreases at the end of the driving lane, the lane change is performed early and the lane keeps the lane.Indeed, it is surprising that it will enable advanced drives as close to automatic driving.The driver does not need to look at the meter or navigation.All you have to do is look at the color head -up display reflected in the front window that is widely displayed in the driving view.Of course, if the permission from the Advanced Drive is permission and the meter board changes to blue, hands -free drives will be possible.Toyota did not say this is automatic driving, but the drive on the Advanced Drive was exactly an autonomous driving.The ultimate is that Lexus LS is a grade of 16 million yen or more, and MIRAI is 8.45 million yen, so that you can enjoy such advanced functions (with subsidies).

次ページは:2)三菱アウトランダーPHEVの進化したS-AWC最終更新:WEB CARTOP