Japanese Geographic Site where you can find the closest planet where life is likely to exist

 A global -sized extra planet was found near the earth.The planet is around the life -friendly "quiet" star, and is the closest to Earth as an external planet where life can exist.

 The planetary Loss 128B, just 11 light -year -olds from the earth, is around the small and dim dimly star Loss 128 called the red dwarf.The red dwarf is an ordinary star everywhere, accounting for about 70%of the galaxy stars.Most of the stars near us are red dwarfs.

 Due to the discovery of an uniform planet over the past few years, one -third of the red dwarf has been estimated to have at least one planet.

 The planet of the earth size closest to the solar system is 4.25光年先の赤色矮星プロキシマ・ケンタウリの周りを回るプロキシマbだ。しかし、このタイプの恒星の場合、若くて高速自転している間は、ときどき強烈なフレアを発生させて、近くにある惑星を痛めつける。プロキシマ・ケンタウリは約50億歳とまだ若いため、突然の激しい放射にさらされるプロキシマbの表面はまだ生命が存在できるような環境ではないだろう。(参考記事:「太陽系から最も近い地球型惑星発見、過酷な環境」


生命が存在できそうな一番近い系外惑星が見つかる ナショナルジオグラフィック日本版サイト

It has been seen from 12 years of observation

 Ross 128B was enabled by a high -precision -based planetary exploration device (HARPS) in the European South Tenshitai Observatory in Chile's La Shiya.By analyzing light from the stars using this device, the subtle effects of the gravity of the planet around it can be detected.


 "We didn't have a dramatic moment to shout," I did, I found a planet! ""As the data was accumulated over the years, the signal gradually became visible and became meaningful."

 The distance from Ross 128B to the main star is only one -tenth of the distance from the earth to the sun, but the main star is dim, so depending on the condition of the planet, it is just the right distance to hold the atmosphere and liquid water.There is a possibility.


"To say the decisive thing, the data is still insufficient."

Next page: Go to the survey of the stars within 16 light years
