[Aoyama Shanghui's Wanda Fulka Life] what is a powerful dog-friendly electric car in a disaster?

What is a powerful electric dog friendly car at the time of a disaster?


It's almost March. Speaking of March, many dog families will think of the East Japan earthquake that occurred on March 11, 2011. Looking at the pictures, my family was living with Maria of the Labrador, and I was on the stage because of my work. A few hours after the 14:46 earthquake, I would never go home several times longer than usual in the car at work and in the heavy traffic jam caused by the earthquake. As a result, there were heavy losses around the house. Opening the door of the porch, Maria of the Labrador Hound may be shivering on the inside of the porch because of the fear of a big earthquake. The car I rented at that time. Speaking of Camisan, he was in a slightly faraway workplace, and of course, he couldn't even get through to the phone or email (there was no LINE at the time), and he couldn't be reached. I finally got in touch with him and learned that it was in the evening when he transferred to 11:00 in the shelter opened by a primary school near his workplace. Then there was a big rescue operation. Happened to rent the Toyota Prius, carrying the Labrador hound Maria (aftershocks are also very frequent, can not be left alone), about 20 kilometers away, this is the earthquake home traffic jam, spent two hours, the power outage and become dark primary school high refuge It only depends on the headlights. It is said that Camisan met at the shelter and carried people who lived near his home on his way home. Since that day, the days of water outages and the ban on the use of sewers have lasted less than two months, as well as the daily life of planned power outages. What was rescued was that the Prius rented one on the morning of March 11 for a test drive. At that time, my family's car was a minivan, but unfortunately, there was little fuel loaded that day. So to meet the Camisan Sanctuary, this is an emergency, but I asked me to use the Prius, the benefits of fuel consumption, then the nearby gas station has closed the earthquake disaster, and it is a safe material. An extension code can be used to power the home from the AC100V/1500W socket of the Prius, and even during the blackout, the house will not be completely dark and will be greatly saved (and the rented car will not be returned). According to subsequent information, Toyota collected hybrid cars from all over the country, such as the "Estima", the "running power car" aimed at the northeast, where the lights were lit, which was a dark blackout that used only the hybrid's power to hold concerts for a period of time, which is an anecdote handed down. Hybrid, the advantages of PHEV (PHV). Now, let's get down to business. In Japan, a big country with disasters and earthquakes, we do not know when and what kind of disasters will happen to us. At this time, if you want to take refuge in a shelter, although the Ministry of the Environment recommends "pet peer refuge", almost all shelters are not allowed to enter with pets. At least, this is true of all the shelters near my home. Having said that, it is impossible to let go of the refuge of the dog as a member of the family. However, if you have a hybrid of a driveable power car, PHEV (PHV), etc., as my family did in the March 11 East Japan earthquake, you can pump electricity at home. In case you are in a state that you can't stay at home, the car that you can drive can also become a refuge for me to spend with my dog. Hybrids and PHEV (PHV), even if there are fewer and fewer batteries, can be generated by the engine. If you fill up with gas, you can use electricity outside the car and at home for a few days. The cabinet office and Tokyo announced the target number of days for lifeline repair at the time of the earthquake in northern Tokyo Bay, with electricity for 1 to 2 weeks, water supply for about 1 month, and gas for 2 months. It is expected that the power will be restored relatively quickly (perhaps, if the power lines are buried underground) During the power outage, hybrid power, PHEV (PHV) and other power sources can also be used to resist. If you can supply electricity from your car, you can boil water with a hot kettle under 1500W, or you can use a simple microwave oven and hot plate. If it is winter, my dog Jack Russell's lesbian can also recharge the regenerative cordless kettle for bedtime in the middle of winter. in addition, in hot periods, you can also use the air conditioner in the car with your dog to protect yourself from heatstroke. In addition, if the car can be arranged on a flat floor connected to the back seat stored in the baggage room, the car can also be a living room and bedroom with power. As my refuge for domestic electric cars and dogs that can be used as my refuge, although the camper is ideal, taking into account the usual use of a car, it is sure enough that ordinary vehicles with AC100V/1500W sockets, hybrid and PHEV (PHV) are also easy to buy and use. Therefore, I would like to introduce a domestic electric car, from self-driving with my dog, outdoor, camping, can also be used as a refuge for me in the event of a disaster. 1. Only become Mitsubishi Altland PHEVPHEV (plug-in hybrid), suddenly improve the design, driving performance, running, advanced, equipment, advanced driving support has also been enriched by leaps and bounds. Of course, all levels are equipped with AC100V/1500W sockets. By knocking down the back seat, we confirm that people who are 175 centimeters tall can ensure that they can sleep directly. Including running and power supply performance, it can be said to be the strongest disaster and earthquake country in Japan. In this new model, connection services and SOS calls are also prepared, so you will get a larger sense of security. two。 Toyota RAV4PHV, when it comes to the SUV plug-in hybrid, only Mitsubishi Altland, and now Toyota's medium-sized SUV, "RAV4" has also added the PHV model. The big difference with the Altland PHEV is that it does not support fast charging, only AC100V/AC200V charging, which is easy to charge at home, and, of course, can be charged on an outbound AC200V charging device. Connection features have also been improved, including the availability of the pull room, operator services and help network = SOS calls. 3. If the Toyota Alfa hybrid family has more than five people, or if it is a multi-headed dog family, then the hybrid model of Toyota Alfa, a three-seat minivan, might be better. AC100V/1500W sockets are also equipped with 3 to 5 sockets according to different grades, which is simply a power car with the feeling of living room. If used as a refuge for me in times of disaster, the second row of seats are bench seats, and loose seats are advantageous on the surface of the seating arrangement (tatami and bed). Although the crossing of the bad road is not as good as the SUV, the loose and comfortable interior space is indeed the most advanced minivan made in China. In addition to cars with sockets, electric SUV such as Mitsubishi "Eclips Cross PHEV", Toyota "Harrier" hybrid, Toyota "Noah / Woxi" hybrid and Honda "Sky Wagon" are also equipped with AC100V/1500W sockets. In addition, if singles, lovers and dogs are small dogs and like small cars, then the Toyota "Aqua" with AC100V/1500W sockets in all grades can also become a safe car in the event of a disaster. The electric car mentioned above is also an SUV and a minivan, and of course, it is also a dog-friendly car that is usually used outdoors, camping and different models to spend the night in the car. Of course, even in the event of a power outage, you can listen to the radio that is a lifesaver in the event of a disaster, and you can recharge your smartphone. It is precisely at this time, in order to prepare for disasters that do not know when to occur, as a dog home, now and dog disasters, refuge, power supply countermeasures, and reserves, reconsider.

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