[Micra PE capture] Introduction to Redstone Circuit

The long -awaited redstone circuit has appeared in "Minecraft: Pocket Edition".

(© MOJANG AB is the same)

If you use a redstone circuit, you can, for example, create an automatic door or switch lighting on/off.Some automation is also possible.

This time, I will introduce the basics of the redstone circuit.

What is a redstone circuit?

The redstone circuit consists of the power that emits signals, the circuit that conveys the signal, and the target of moving with signals.

While the signal is sent, the circuit shines red and does not glow when the signal is not sent.

What is power?

The power is "button", "lever", and pressure -sensitive plate.The pressure plate sends a signal when players and mobs are on top.

The button material is "stone", the lever material is "stick" and "round stone", and "stone pressure plate" is two stones.

【マイクラPE攻略】レッドストーン回路 入門編

What is a circuit?

"Redstone" is the material of the circuit, which comes out when "Redstone ore" is broken by "vine" other than wood or stone.

Equipped with a redstone and tap the ground to pull the circuit.Press and hold the circuit to remove it.

What are the targets?

The targets are "Red Stone Lamp", "Red Notes Block", "TNT", and "Power Dreer".

For example, the red stone lamp shines at the signal.If it is a note block, it sounds a sound, and if it's TNT, it explodes.

Open the door with the red stone circuit

Let's extend the circuit from the lever and connect it to the door.Tap the lever to turn on and off the signal, so you should be able to open and close the door.

If the power and target (in this case, the door) are next to each other, there is no need for a circuit.

Difference between lever and button

Tap the lever to switch on / off.When it comes on, keep sending signals.Tap the button or get on the pressure -sensitive plate to send the signal for only one second.

If you use a button or pressure plate, you can create an automatic door that opens for only one second.

How to extend the circuit

The redstone circuit cannot send a signal to a place more than 16 blocks from the power source.If you want to move something in the distance, you need a device to extend the circuit.

There is "Red Stone Torch" that appears there.The ingredients are sticks and red stones.

Place the block on the 15th block and install a red stone torch on the side.Once this set is installed as shown below, the extended circuit is adjacent to the second red stone torch.

This allows signals to be transmitted to places more than 16 blocks from the power.

In the future, we plan to introduce the applications using the Redstone Circuit.looking forward to!

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