Local 5G demonstration at the Osaka Expo, NTT West aims to increase the efficiency of port operations

NTT West, Yumesu Container Terminal, Mitsubishi Logis Next and Osaka City Demonstration Consortium will be on January 17, 2022 in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, "Development of Development for Realization for Local 5G, etc. It has been announced that the demonstration proposal, "Realization of operational efficiency and productivity improvement by remotely control of the port and container terminal," was adopted. The demonstration experiment will be conducted in Yumeshima, the planned site of the Osaka / Kansai Expo. The period is from January 18, 2022 to March 25, 2022. At the Yumezu container terminal at the same place, traffic congestion problems in front of the gate have become apparent due to an increase in cargo volume. Under such circumstances, it is necessary to improve operational efficiency and productivity due to digitalization of port operations, and to ensure smooth traffic such as construction vehicles, Expo vehicles, and logistics vehicles for the opening of the 2025 Expo. Is urgent. In addition, in the environment of the port area, it is difficult to maintain a wired network because it is a vast site, and many ships, cars, people, etc. come in and out, so Wi-Fi radio interference is frequent. Occur. In addition, radio reflection could not be expected because of the outdoors, and the accumulated container became a shield, and there was also a problem of improving the communication environment. The demonstration consortium for these issues will work on demonstration experiments to solve the sustainable development of the port business, the issues that are held for the Expo, and the provisions of the communication environment development. Outdoor use 4.8-4.Use the 9GHz band (SUB6 band) to provide the following proof:The first is the efficiency of damage checks at the container terminal gate.A worker who checks the container damage is attached to a smart glass, and a remote skill person who is remote in cases where it is difficult to judge will support it.In the past, there were skills in the management building, but remoring this is more efficient.In addition, image data will be accumulated in order to achieve AI judgment for damage checks in the future.


Image of container remote damage check demonstration

Second, check the usefulness of local 5G for remote control of tire -type crane (RTG).A high -definition video that photographed the RTG work site was transmitted to the operator in the management building.The operation signal is sent to the RTG by a low -delay communication of the local 5G.The third is a demonstration to improve traffic congestion on surrounding roads.The outpatient trailer that comes to the container terminal is constantly photographed with a 4K camera, and the vehicle information (number) is automatically obtained.Visualization of waiting time and congestion predictions can be realized in the future.In addition, in order to reduce the loading time within the container terminal, the vehicle information required for advance loading can be smoothly transmitted to the new port information system "Conpas" developed by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

Image of congestion status improvement using vehicle information

In conjunction with these, in the port area where open land and suburban areas exist, survey of radio propagation characteristics in consideration of water surfaces and containers, and communication areas can be made to blind spots on radio waves such as the back of containers due to radio reflectors.Verify sex.
