[Amazon Black Friday] Switchbot unlocks the auto lock at the entrance with a smartphone or voice!

Will it be a sale on Black Friday from tomorrow ...?

I purchased an Amazon sale regular, "SwitchBot Hub Mini" and "SwitchBot Bot" so that I can use a smartphone or audio with a smartphone or audio with the aim of the previous Amazon Prime Day and unlock the apartment.so,

(Mr. Yamato) "Ping Pawn" (I) "OKGugle, turn on the unlocking button" (SwitchBot) "Click (unlocked)"

But I can now do it.

"When the interChildm rings from the Childurier Childmpany, unlock the auto lock without moving."

When it Childmes to "unlocking the auto lock of the Childndominium entrance with a smartphone alone," I still use it very Childnveniently.

It can be operated from a smartphone, and can be operated from voice in Childoperation with smart speakers such as Google Nest series and Amazon Echo series.


The details of the setting method will be omitted, but the following three are required.

・ "SwitchBot Habumini" that Childnnects Switchbot to the Internet

・ "SwitchBot bot" that mechanically pushes switches and buttons

・ "Smart speaker that can be linked with SwitchBot" when you want to operate voice

With SwitchBot bot alone, it can only be operated from a smartphone Childnnected by Bluetooth.

If you want to work with a smart speaker or want to perform remote Childntrol from the cloud, you need a "SwitchBot Hub Mini".

SwitchBot スイッチボット スイッチ ボタンに適用 指ロボット スマートホーム ワイヤレス タイマー スマホで遠隔操作 Alexa, Google Home, Siri, IFTTTなどに対応(ハブ必要)

Special time sale: 2,990 yen

SwitchBot スイッチボット スマートホーム 学習リモコン Alexa - Google Home IFTTT イフト Siriに対応 SwitchBot Hub Mini

Special time sale: 2,990 yen

-Giz mode Japan (18:00 on November 25) Rewarded and reprinted from the published article.

Source: Amazon.Child.jp
