Kasamatsu horse racing, loud fanfare for revival

 This is Kasamatsu Racecourse, which was like a "ghost town" due to a series of scandals. After finally exiting the long tunnel, a loud fanfare rang out to announce "regeneration". The jockeys and racehorses in competitive uniforms entered the gate and ran through the finish line.

 Kasamatsu Horse Racing's ``Holding Practice'' was held over 4 days (all 1400m races) in preparation for the resumption of the race from September 8th. From preparation to the finish line, check whether fraud prevention measures are being followed according to the procedures. It also served as an ability examination for racehorses coming out of a long rest period, and aimed to pass the time limit.

 There is a big escape, and there is a dynamic cut. It was a mock race, but the commentary announcer's excellent condition was restored, and it was a real battle mode on par with the actual race. He tried hard to wipe out the "black fog" of illegal betting ticket purchases, appeal to the country, NAR and fans about "fair horse racing" and regain the trust he had lost.

■ Live streaming "Support Kasamatsu for a fresh start"

 No betting tickets were sold and fans were not allowed to enter, but it was broadcast live on YouTube. Fans who believed in the resumption of the race were enthusiastic about the way each horse ran and how the jockeys rode. On the Internet, warm messages such as "Is the sea running out? Hold on Kasamatsu horse racing" and "Cheering for the restarted Kasamatsu" were sent. The horse racing union is looking forward, stating, "We want to get NAR's approval and restart the race," so that fans can buy betting tickets with peace of mind.

 On the first day (11th) when it was released to the press, a large number of reporters gathered. Race management assumes the actual performance. Each horse, led by the lead horse, Winnie, entered Kasamatsu's famous "Uchibaba Paddock" and made laps. The jockeys who arrived by minibus lined up and bowed. The fields have expanded, and the idyllic scenery unique to Kasamatsu has returned. The runners, who have been away from actual competition for seven months, were conspicuously fat, and there was even a horse weighing 43 kilograms. The nostalgic voice of the paddock commentator echoes, and the horse's body and movement are carefully checked. The jockeys heading for the return horse were also fired up and had a toned expression.

■ Production mode, good time of 1 minute 26 seconds 4 in C class

On the 2nd day, 11R (Class C 16), the time was as good as that of open horses. Yamanin Pajasso (3-year-old male) of Hideo Moriyama Stables was ridden by jockey Koji Ohara, who won by a wide margin, beating the second-placed horse by as much as three seconds. He recorded a time of 1 minute 27.2 seconds. I'm sure he'll be able to improve his time even more, and I'm looking forward to seeing him run after the restart. On January 7th, former jockey Tomohiko Yoshii was riding with "achievement of 1000 regional wins".

As of August 13th, there are 426 horses registered at Kasamatsu, and about 300 of them have run in a total of 47 races over four days. Even after the rest, he is doing the attacking horse and is running strong. There was a series of hot matches in front of the goal, and it was a decent restart. Open class horses start on the final day 1R. Shigeru Grindia (jockey Mikio Fujiwara) cut off Nara (jockey Kyoka Fukasawa) who ran away. In the 2nd round, last year's Gifu Gold Prize winning horse Dharmawangsa (jockey Soichi Kato) took the lead. Showing a run of 1 min 27.3 sec, owner Katsutoshi Yoshida commented, "It's the first time in a year that I've made it to the line. I'm glad I didn't come in the 1 min 27 sec range with four horses, but I'm relieved after a long rest." He commented, and felt a response to the revival of his beloved horse. In the 5R, there was only one group in the C class, but former JRA 2-time winner Hiruno Denhaag (jockey Mukouyama Maki) pulled away from the rest, recording a good time of 1:26.4. It was a move that could be active in the heavy prize front.

 There are 9 jockeys from Kasamatsu and 5 people who came from Nagoya to support us. Clear stream vision also displays the order of arrival. In total for four days, jockeys Mikio Fujiwara, Koji Ohara, and Tatsuya Watanabe finished first nine times, followed by Maki Mukaiyama six times. In the Nagoya group, jockey Soichi Kato finished 1st 5 times, and jockey Toshiyuki Kato 2 times. As a supporter of Kasamatsu Horse Racing, which is facing a serious shortage of jockeys, I would appreciate it if you could continue to participate in many races after the restart.

■ Jockey Chairman Ohara "I finally feel like I've come this far"

Kasamatsu horse racing, loud fanfare for regeneration

Katsuaki Hirai, acting manager of the horse racing union, said, "All parties involved will work together to implement fair horse racing and restore trust. We will hold a fun and exciting new Kasamatsu horse race. Please give us your support," he called out to his fans.

 Masayoshi Goto, chairman of the prefectural training cavalry, also said, "We will work hard on our daily training so that we can provide a good race, including the ability examination of the horses in exercises, in order to regain the trust of the fans. I will. Koji Ohara, jockey chairman, said, "When I actually rode the horse at the training session, I felt that I had finally come this far. I would like everyone involved to work together to prevent a recurrence and do my best." showed enthusiasm.

 The jockeys dreamed of becoming professional horse riders when they were at the local horse racing education center, and experienced simulated races. This unusual horse racing exercise at Kasamatsu Horse Racing reminded me of the honest feelings I had when I was a jockey candidate, and I was able to pursue the horse earnestly. I hope that this valuable experience will lead to the reopening after September.

■Is it sufficient to strengthen surveillance in areas that were hotbeds of fraud?

There are 9 jockeys, 15 trainers, and 87 stables who belong to Kasamatsu Horse Racing, with a total of 53 executive committee members and 87 contractors (as of August 10). . The horse racing union has taken measures to prevent a recurrence of a series of scandals such as the illegal purchase of betting tickets, and the most important point has been to strengthen surveillance in the control room and business areas that have become hotbeds of fraud. Can we do it safely? The "strategy meeting" of the betting ticket fraudulent purchase group that left Kasamatsu Horse Racing was mainly held in the recreation room on the second floor of the coordination room (where there was a kotatsu). Cell phones were not allowed to be brought into the country, but there was no strict control, and they were easily brought in. The jockeys contacted outside collaborators and had them buy betting tickets online. Even in the jockey's waiting room in the work area, he collected information on horses that were in poor condition and handed them memos.

 For this reason, the number of surveillance cameras in the adjustment room was increased from 9 to 33. Installed a communication deterrent device for communication devices such as mobile phones. The entry time for jockeys is brought forward before the start time of online betting ticket sales (from 19:00 to 17:30). Unannounced inspections of brought-in communication equipment are also carried out. In the business area where the saddle station is located, 29 surveillance cameras have been installed in the jockey's waiting room, trainer's waiting room, and areas where mobile phones can be used.

 Since the event was held in August last year, the areas where mobile phones can be used have been limited to two areas: the side of the jockey's waiting room building and the trainer's waiting room. During the horse racing period, resident monitoring is carried out by monitoring personnel (1 investigator = retired police and 2 work area monitoring personnel). The waiting area was separated to reduce contact between trainers and jockeys.

 In order to prevent betting ticket purchases on the internet, check the participation status of online voting members, including relatives. Check whether there is an online voting member for the new stable. In response to SNS crimes, etc., the Internet and postings on SNS are monitored by specialists. In addition, a whistle-blowing system, a sexual harassment consultation and complaint handling desk, and a tax consultation desk have been newly established.

 On the day of this exercise, it was not possible to cover the work area where the armory was located. This is the same from August last year to January this year after the incident was discovered. We were able to call the jockeys out of the area between races, but there were many jockeys riding in the next race, so it was difficult to interview them. After the final race when the betting ticket sales were completed, I finally entered the business area and was able to listen to the story. Since last year, due to the double whammy of the corona disaster and scandals, the restrictions on coverage at the Kasamatsu Racecourse have increased to the point that it seems to be "the best in Japan."

■Awareness change for non-jockeys and trainers How was the crisis management in the work area during the four-day exercise period? Fans also pointed out that "images taken in the work area have been uploaded on the Internet." It is believed that the images of the caring horse (before the race) and the scenery from the waiting area (after the exercise) were posted by stables and outsourced workers. It seems that these things are slipping through the eyes of surveillance cameras, but are they "safe"? The content of the conversation with the jockey was also posted the next day, but is there any problem?

 The use of communication devices such as mobile phones in the work area should have been limited to two places since August last year. I've heard that when a trainer communicates with the outside such as the stables, it's done in the presence of the guards, but the area where the saddle is located is large, and it seems that there are places where the surveillance cameras can't reach. Uploading images may be a casual act out of love for Kasamatsu horse racing, but I would like you to follow the rules when using smartphones.

At Kasamatsu horse racing, there have been accidents where a racehorse ran away and killed a driver of a passenger car, and an accident where a so-called "Babaonarasu car" entered the race during the race. It was caused by "careless mistakes" caused by carelessness of the consigned guards and drivers. What is important here is that everyone working at the racetrack should be involved in running races that ensure fairness and safety, with a sense of crisis about the abolition, as the manager who announced the resumption of horse racing said.

 In an age when betting tickets are sold online, the influence of SNS has increased. In order to maintain fair horse racing, I would like to see the public watch over the Internet and raise awareness of risk management so as not to publish images, tweets, etc. that give rise to suspicion or misunderstanding. Not only jockeys and trainers, but all horsemen involved in the business of Kasamatsu Racing should change their mindset toward regeneration. We would like to work together to keep things clean in preparation for the reopening on September 8th.
