It's embarrassing when you're outside ... Why do you come out with hot noodles and hot pots?

When you eat ramen, why a runny nose?


 When eating hot ramen, udon, hot pot dishes, many people say that they always have a runny nose.When you eat hot soup and noodles, a runny nose comes out, and there are many people who have trouble, and "I can't let go of the tissue when eating ramen" "It's a bit embarrassing to eat out."Various voices are raised, such as "I'm worried because I get out," and "Can I don't get a runny nose?"[Image] This is the inside of the nose ... Seeing the internal structure of the nose, why is he a runny nose when he is eating hot dishes such as ramen?I asked Hiroyuki Ogi of the Otolaryngology Surge Clinic Ogi Clinic (Izumi City, Osaka Prefecture).

Individual difference in sensitivity to stimulation

Q.First, please tell me about a runny nose.Mr. Kiki "The main component of a runny nose is water. The runny nose is sticky because it contains polysaccharides made by combining sugar and protein. The runny nose is the surface of the mucous membrane.It has the effect of constantly moisturizing and protecting, and the effect of discharging foreign substances such as pollen from the outside. The surface of the mucous membrane of the nose is an electron microscope called "linear hair" in medical terms).Fine hair that is clearly invisible is growing tightly, and foreign substances are drained outside the body after being absorbed by a runny nose. ".Why do you have a runny nose when you're eating hot ramen or udon?Mr. Kiki "The nose is given a temperature and humidity to the breath that sucks, and the lungs have the role of sending moderate temperature and humidity in the lungs. If excessive air enters ramen, etc., to protect the mucous membrane from high temperatures.As the runny nose comes out, the mucous membrane swells and prevents the flow of air so that hot air does not enter the lungs. It is a normal biological reaction that the mucous membrane is swollen, which is rich in blood flow due to heat.It is because the blood vessels are expanded. In other words, the ramen or udon stimulus causes a runny nose to occur to everyone. However, the sensitivity to the stimulus varies from person to person.More "Q.When eating ramen, are there any characteristics of people who are likely to get a runny nose?Mr. Kiki: "Because it is due to the difference in sensitivity to heat stimulation, there is no characteristic difference. However, if you eat hot things habitually, the amount of runny nose will decrease the amount of runny nose.It is possible. Also, people who have allergic rhinitis may tend to have a runny nose because the mucous membrane of the nose is often increased, but they have been proven.Not. In the "nasal sensitivity", which is common in elderly men, it is said that a runny nose appears even in chewing stimuli (spanning, crushing food), and many runny nose when eating and drinking, regardless of thermal stimulation., I have never seen a research paper that examines the relationship between the amount of runny nose and the disease when eating ramen. ".Is there any other example of a dish that may make a runny nose coming out when eating?Mr. Togi "I have never investigated it at a medical institution, but the stimulus can cause a runny nose. Isn't the spicy food a typical example?".Is there a way to avoid running a runny nose or reduce the amount even when eating ramen?Mr. Kiki: "Theoretically, if you block your nose and put irritants such as hot air in your nose, your runny nose should decrease.It is also important, so it is necessary to say that the flavor is impaired to stop the runny nose. "

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