A Braille translation engine that took several days to be translated into Braille in seconds.

 On October 20, TAKAO AI (Hachioji City, Tokyo), a venture company launched by students of Tokyo National College of Technology, recognized characters from image data and automatically translated them into Braille. Announced that it has developed ":::doc" (tendoku). A trial version is available for free on the demo site.

:::doc demo site

 Traditionally, the Braille translation of text information in printed matter was done by a sighted person who had Braille skills and took several days. However, the number of technicians was small, and it was difficult for visually impaired people to obtain information on printed materials in real time.

 The company's automatic Braille translation technology can translate characters into Braille in a few seconds simply by uploading an image of a document. Visually impaired people will be able to check printed matter in a timely manner without having to go through someone else.

Translation to Braille took a few days A Braille translation engine developed by a venture in a few seconds What needs cannot be covered by reading aloud?</p><small>:::doc usage example</small><p> In order to convey the information in braille to the visually impaired, it is necessary to type braille on an uneven surface. Braille can be read with a device called a

 This demo site was developed for able-bodied people so that they can experience the performance of the company's Braille transcription engine and learn what Braille transcription is. The company says it is currently working on a plan to resolve the device issue.

What is the difference between text-to-speech and Braille?

 Recently, research into text-to-speech technology has progressed, and many have been put to practical use. At first glance, Braille may seem unnecessary, but Ryuta Itabashi, CEO of the company, says, "Many visually impaired people want Braille."

 "Voice takes time to get all the information, and it is difficult to manage with physical media.In addition, using the voice reading function without knowing what is written on the paper Then, personal information is read aloud, and information leaks can occur,” says Mr. Itabashi, speaking of the need for Braille transcription.

``Just as it is difficult for a healthy person to replace all books and documents with audiobooks, the act of ``reading'' is very important for blind people. I think we should maximize it,” he said.

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