Is the vehicle to be "Sapable Limited License" too narrow?Replacement device NG new car or replacement or its "condition"

From 2022, a "sapor -only license" will be founded, but the target vehicles may be surprisingly small.Collision damage reduction brakes and pedal mistakes all retrofitting devices are NG.It is likely that you will need to buy a car to apply for a limited license.

Strictly with vehicle security standards and performance evaluation certification that can be operated

 From 2022, a "sapor -only license" will be established to limited vehicles that can be driven to vehicles with advanced safety functions.In relation to this, the National Police Agency has published an overview of the Cabinet Office Ordinance, which is partially amended to the Road Traffic Law Enforcement Regulations on December 17, 2021, and has called for public comments.The enforcement is May 13, 2022.

 The introduction of a limited license itself has already been decided, and this partial revision determines the specific line of vehicles that can be driven by that license.The National Police Agency is the one in the "ordinary car" for vehicles equipped with advanced safety technology that meet the following two conditions.

 「サポカー限定免許」対象車両が狭すぎ? 後付け装置NG 新車に買替え一択か その「条件」

・ When the collision reduction brake is installed based on the security standards of the Road Transport Vehicle Law.(Vehicle that meets conditions such as not colliding with a still vehicle in front while driving at 40km/h)

・ Conditions such as a collision reduction brake and an acceleration suppression device when a pedal is mistaken is certified based on the performance evaluation of advanced safety technology (not colliding with a pedestrian crossing forward while driving at 20 km/h or more.Vehicle to clear)

 The security standards and performance evaluation certifications are the same in that they indicate the standards for vehicles equipped with advanced safety technology, but the purpose is different.

 In the performance evaluation certification, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has been actively acknowledged in retrofit, aiming to spread advanced safety technology.However, the National Police Agency did not recognize the retrofit device as "sapica".The driver's license section talks about this as follows.

"If you change to a limited license for a sapo car, if you drive a vehicle other than a sapo car, you will be subject to penalties for unlicensed driving. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly determine the vehicle to be suggested."

 Even if such a "line draw" is implemented, the National Police Agency's Driver's License Division explains that there are a lot of 300 models as of December 2021.


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