IPhone map is more convenient! AR navigation glasses Telepathy Walker

The picture is the picture of the early prototype.

 When wearing glasses, an arrow pointing in the direction of the destination will be displayed. Follow the arrow and soon there will be a "destination" guide. This is it! I have been waiting for this future, the king of my direction!

 At the hardware celebration "IoT&H/W BIZ DAY by ASCII STARTUP" (host Asky) held on March 28th, the crowd at the crowdfunding kibidango booth was created by the smart eyewear "Telepathy Walker".

 Yes, it's Google Glass's horse, of course.

 Crowdfunding has so far collected about 1 million yen. The advance price is 85000 yen, and crowdfunding can contribute 59,800 yen.

The advance price for Telepathy Walker is 85000 yen

Display an image of a small monitor in front of your eyes

 The biggest function of Telepathy Walker is navigation. After the destination is communicated by voice, the navigation begins through voice recognition. In the augmented reality (AR) navigation application "ARrow Navi", overlap the arrows in the real world to guide the direction. The cost of using APP is expected to be 600 yen per month.

 The demo in the prototype is aimed at a fictional cafe called the telepathic Cafe. In the future, we will only use "Italian style" and "coffee shop" to express our choices. In order to be able to navigate, we want to make applications.

 If the map accuracy is good and the information is new, it is more convenient than iPhone map application. Because the arrow is displayed in the direction of travel, it is easy to understand, and the most important thing is not to look down.

 iPhoneマップより便利! ARナビめがねTelepathy Walker

The monitor (tip) can be folded

 The developer is Japanese TV. Telepathy, when it comes to AR, of course, is "Telepathy One". This is a product being developed by Zunren Iguchi, a developer of the AR application Saikai camera. In 2013, he received a lot of attention at the American technology celebration SXSW.

 Then, as a product, Telepathy Jumper was released in December 2014. This is a legal person-oriented product, equipped with cameras, microphones, speakers, sensors, communication modules, etc., for remote business support such as inspection in the warehouse.

 Two years later, Telepathy Jumper appeared Telepathy Walker. The product name Walker not only means navigator, but also means that the display is partially folded and "easy to carry".

 I hope all engineers will develop software for Telepathy Walker. "because we are the only ones who can't do anything," people who can write Android applications must consider it. If only there were FPS and hide-and-seek games.

There are often bystanders.

 In addition, there are other interesting exhibitions at the kibidango booth. This is a home-made Konohazuk H3 headset made of velvet material. Not only the shell, but also wood plywood with curved headbands is also rare. The voice is soft and comfortable. The advance price for this winter sale is 34800 yen. The ongoing crowdfunding orders are expected to be delivered this summer. Founder Sukehi Iita was born in a large audio factory and made wooden instrument headphones.

The advance price of Konohazuk H3 is 34,800 yen.

It is rare that the headband is made of wood.

Akira Morita (Ryo Morita)

Born in 1983, journalist free type. The things you like are new things, beautiful people. Watch "Knot" popular ignited character. Let's do good together. Is recruiting on Facebook.

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