Interview with Xiongma Ito, a linguist who studies the wordless language of the Mambuli people.

Linguist Hiroma Ito-the documentary "the Last Hunter of Indochina in the Forest" has been shown in turn in the Theatre Image Forum and other countries since March 19. (C) Phantom Society


 The Mambuli documentary "the Last Hunter of Indochina in the Forest", which continues to hunt and gather in Laos, starred in the subtitle translation of the site coordinator. The official interview with the linguist Xiongma Ito was received. [video] the documentary "Mambury of the Forest" trailer, which can speak six languages freely, tried to get in touch with groups that continued to hunt and gather in Laos, successfully filming the mysterious life of the Mambuli for the first time in the world. The Mambuli were found to be linguistically divided into three groups, and a different Brie in Thailand, which can only be heard in rumors, created the opportunity to meet for the first time. In addition, one of the Thai Mambuli people living in the village is now allowed to recreate the life in the forest in the past, and the precious figure in the crisis of disappearance is recorded in the camera. Yuma Ito was born in 1986. I'm from Shimane prefecture. linguist. After the graduate school of literature research director of Kyoto University decided to drop out, PD is a special research fellow of the Institute of Asian and African language and Culture, Tokyo Foreign Studies University. Since 2018, he has been a full-time lecturer at Toyama International University. Since his undergraduate days, he has gone deep into Thailand and Laos as the center to investigate and study language and culture. Mambri is the best language after mother tongue. The papers include the Grammar Sketch of Mambuli (Collection of language description of Earth Research), A Note on Terminology for Bamboo and its Use in the Mlabri,a Hunter-gatherer Group in Thailand (Department of Modern Sociology, minutes of Toyama International University) and so on. Please tell me the story related to this work. [Ito] in 2017, I met with director Jin Ziyou at the investigation site of Huyesk Village in Nan County, northern Thailand. I stayed in the investigation for about two weeks. Director Jinzi heard the rumor of Mambury and said in surprise: "I didn't expect there would be Japanese." I didn't expect the Japanese to come either, so I said, "what's the matter?" "people who take pictures as soon as they hear it, I introduce myself at the same time" is conducting a comparative study of Muraburi dialects. Hate each other, although it is avoiding, but I want to attract each other, "in that case, it seems to become a movie." What is the charm of Mulabril? [Ito] what I like best is sound and noise. There will be several times in the movie, but I like to be able to echo the same voice as the inner voice from far away in the forest. Because the Mambuli can be divided into three kinds in linguistics, Mr. Ito has studied three dialects. Although he is a "linguist," he needs to find out where they are now, actually talking and making dictionaries if he wants to study the literal language of the Mambuli people in Laos who lived in Nomad. I think it's not only linguistics, but also anthropology. For example, what is the difference between the study of English and other mainstream languages? [Ito] first of all, there is no written material is different. English and other mainstream languages have a lot of written materials, which can be used for research, but Mambri has no words, so it is necessary to get their own materials and data. I'm talking about on-the-spot linguistics, which is a way to go to the scene and get your own data for analysis. Because there is no text, so use the English dictionary pronunciation symbols and other things, write down the dialogue and so on for analysis. How many times a year and how many days do you go to Indochina before the corona? [Ito] I have been there twice a year. Three or four times. Stay in the forest for about a month at a time. Is there anyone else in the world who studies Mambuli? [Ito] I have been working for more than 10 years since I started working in the department of the university, during which time I am the only one who continues to study Mulabril. Occasionally, there will be researchers who send a single study, and some people will often say, "Let's study together," but no one will continue.
