[Interview] Ask JB Straubel, the CTO of Tesla Motors, which leads the world with the autonomous driving function

 In January 2016, Tesla Motors launched update software distribution to add an autonomous driving function to the company's flagship model "Model S".By applying this software, many vehicles can use the autonomous driving function, except for the early model S.The functions related to the root of the car have been improved by the software update, which has begun in the era of automatic driving.

 JB Straubel, the CTO (Chief Technical Officer), supervises the technology of Tesla Motors.This time, I had the opportunity to talk to JB Straubel, so I focused on autonomous driving and asked what Tesla Motors was.

――What are the benefits of autonomous driving that Tesla thinks?

JB Straubel: I think it is convenient, as well as safety.In addition, efficient driving can save time.There are various benefits because I think that the fatigue will be reduced (by entrusting driving to the car).

 Autonomous driving is also useful even when traffic jams or in congestion where stop and go continues.Of course, the autonomous driving function is very useful in preventing collisions.

――Model S has three functions: automatic driving in the highway lane, automatic lane change when you indicate your career change, and automatic parking.Are you satisfied with the quality of the current automatic driving function?

JB Straubel氏の自動運転に対するビジョンは明快だ

JB Straubel: We will continue to add functions, but we will not be satisfied with this.We will continue to evolve and ultimately go to the area of fully automatic driving (autonomous automatic driving).At present, it is not a complete autonomous operation, but it is better than the other in terms of safety and automatic lane change functions.

 If various people use cars in various forms, the car will learn and the data will be accumulated on the knowledge base.As a result, we can improve quality.The improved quality can be provided as an update.

―― It is said that the quality will be improved as an update, but will you update to a complete autonomous driving area?

JB Straubel: I think the car will be fully automatic.We are currently developing the following models, and the model will further improve the automatic driving function.Regarding the current model S, there is still room for improving (updating), not all the functions of the sensor.

――When do you think that autonomous driving of complete autonomy will be realized?

JB Straubel: That's a difficult question.I think it will take some time.However, the realization of autonomous driving is considered to be the world of science fiction, and it was said 100 years later.Then, if you think about it, I think it will be realized faster than you think.But it's not something you can promise many years or months later.

【インタビュー】自動運転機能で世界をリードするテスラモーターズのCTO(最高技術責任者)JB Straubel氏に聞く

――In Japan, a deceased driver's car was running away the other day.For such accidents, it is said that the driver monitoring function is effective.As a Tesla, please tell us your thoughts on driver monitoring.

JB Straubel: Model S has the surrounding recognition function.If you recognize the surroundings and recognize that a bicycle is running in front or a person is walking, first slow down and apply automatic brakes if necessary.It is most important to recognize obstacles.If it is possible to be an autonomous driving state, the recognition of the sensor can be decelerated or stopped.

 For driver monitoring, we look at seat sensors, seat belt sensors, door opening and closing sensors, etc. If there is no driver, it will not run automatically.However, how far the human movements are detected and how to reflect them in autonomous driving is still subtle.

――This is also a story in Japan, but the other day, Subaru (Fuji Heavy Industries) is a driving support system "I site (Ver)..2) We announced data with a 60 % decrease in the accident rate in the car equipped with.Similarly, is Tesla Motors any data on a decrease in the accident rate of autonomous driving cars?

JB Straubel: Currently, data is collecting and nothing can be published.However, it is clearly safe with the autonomous driving function.Needless to say, if you don't have an autonomous driving function, you can run safely.The safe part is a factor that people around the world want to use Model S.

――It has become a hot topic to apply deep learning technology to automatic driving.How do you think about deep learning technology?

JB Straubel: Image recognition is important for autonomous driving.Recognition of bicycles, cars, trucks, etc.The first point is how to understand and use it in machine learning.The other can be used when many cars run and share data.

――I experienced various autonomous driving functions of Tesla “Model S”, and I was surprised at the high degree of perfection.One of the autonomous driving functions has an automatic parking function, but this function can be parked in the parking space automatically, but does not automatically come out of the parking space.Doesn't this function be installed?

JB Straubel: The United States and other countries are different, but in the United States, the functions that are automatically parked, the function of opening the door in conjunction with the garage, and the functions that automatically come out by opening the door from the garage.It is implemented.However, in the case of a parallel parking, it is about to be recognized, so that is now.There are no functions linked to the garage in Japan.

―― Why are these functions implemented in Japan?

JB Straubel: There are issues in the laws and approval of each country.Safety, understanding, and verification for new functions is required.However, we believe that it is a function that leads to safe driving, no matter where you are.

――Finally, please give a message for those who are interested in the Tesla Motors car and the autonomous driving function.

JB Straubel: I want many people to experience and understand the autonomous driving function.Compared to Europe and the United States, Tesla Motors is not so well known in Japan.I can't explain it in words, so I want more people to experience the tremendous technology (Model S).I hope you can take a test drive for 30 minutes, 45 minutes, and 1 hour.

 Tesla Motors Model S has 0-100km/h 3.It has an overwhelming power of 0 seconds, and the potential to achieve a cruising range of about 500 km if driven efficiently.In addition, JB Straubel says that it has the world's most advanced autonomous driving function and evolves its autonomous driving function by updating.

 It is said that the third model of Tesla, which will be announced soon, has the same automatic driving function, and the autonomous driving function will be spread as the current auto cruise.Tesla Motors' showrooms are located in Aoyama and Osaka Shinsaibashi, so please try the current cutting -edge autonomous driving functions by test drive.
