The importance of growing DXMO -What are the initiatives necessary for breaking away from DX?

"How do you plan to change long-term investment in the following fields in the next three years in the COVID-19 crisis?"PWC "World CEO Awareness Survey"

On the other hand, Japanese companies have to say that DX's initiatives are delayed compared to global companies, and have been pointed out that their probability of success is low.

Reports in which the IPA (Independent Administrative Corporation Information Processing Promotion Organization) uses "DX Promotion Index (the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry created by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) * 1", collected and analyzed the results of self -diagnosis by each company (DX Promotion index self -diagnosis result)According to the analysis report <2020 edition>), only 8 Japanese companies have been promoting DX across categories based on the whole company strategy..It is said to be 5 % (26 out of 305 companies).Furthermore, only two Japanese companies are sustainable (equivalent to level 4), which is sustained (equivalent to level 4) based on the entire company strategy.

* 1: "DX Promotion Index" is a self -diagnosis tool of the DX promotion status provided by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.It is a tool that share the awareness of the current status and issues of the company while discussing the executives, business category, DX departments, IT departments, etc., and provides an opportunity for stakeholders to align the vectors and connect them to action.I am.The maturation of DX promotion can be evaluated in 6 levels from 0 to 5.

DX trap that tends to fall

Even if you have a strong enthusiasm for DX, many Japanese companies are straying as a result of misunderstanding DX as a mere IT tool introduction project.This is because even if the IT project + α DX Agenda (eg, the promotion of remote work, etc.) proceeds, things can only be captured on the current extension, resulting in small and single -turned initiatives.In addition, it is thought that the specific department (eg, DX Promotion Headquarters, etc.) is just a trend, and there are some internal circumstances in which the company does not obtain the cooperation of the entire company, resulting in small and single -fluttering.

Here, I would like to understand what DX means correctly.According to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's definition, "Companies will change their products, services, and business models based on customer and social needs, using data and digital technology in response to severe business environments.It is described that DX is to change the work itself, organization, process, corporate culture and climate, and establish competitive advantage.In other words, DX refers to all efforts not only to improve the work efficiency by IT, but also to change the business model itself and the company itself, that is, to use digital technology.

高まるDXMOの重要性 - 小手先DXからの脱却に必要な取り組みとは?

Based on this perspective, we will consider the points to realize the company's company change while avoiding the traps that DX tend to fall.We believe that the points will be integrated into four than PWC's past experience.

(1) Clearly drawing a business concept assuming the future from the viewpoint of both the backcast and the coast.(3) Furthermore, to clarify the officers and organizations in charge and organization of the bold transformation theme / program, and set Role & Responsibility (4) Finally, provide a fragmented and supported support centered on the DX command tower.

DXMO that leads to successful all companies DX

What is the DX Command Tower mentioned as the last point?The PWC defines the DX Command Tower as "DXMO (Digital Transformation Management Office)".The main role is to execute the entire DX strategy, including Transformation, on Track, and to support the steady start of each transformation theme at the standing position.

Another important point for DXMO to work is that DXMO himself has a role and function that can be strongly promoted by the budget, resource restrictions, the shortage of in -organization skills and know -how, etc. that can be strongly promoted.It is also important for DXMO to proceed as an activist for company -wide cross -terms.

Specifically, digital human resource development, data driven management practice, change management, etc., which are planned to be taken up after the third or later, are applicable.These are greatly different from the so -called PMO (Project Management Office) in that they do not simply have the progress management of each transformation theme and the site and the management.

This time, we have introduced the importance of DXMO based on the DX initiatives in Japanese companies.In order for the company to break away from DX, it is important for DXMO to be a flagship involved in the company's company's change, and to involve all employees and to promote the steady execution of the management / CXO's vision.。If you can't do this, you'll understand that "realization of company -wide transformation using digital technology" will not come true.In the second section, I would like to approach the contents of DXMO with the content of "building a DX promotion system".

Author profile

本連載は、製造・自動車・電機・通信・金融・小売・人材派遣など業界横断のサービスラインで、各インダストリーの"Strategy through Execution"を実践するPwCのプロフェッショナルチーム「Transformation Strategy」が執筆を担当。戦略や変革のDesignだけでなく、“Execution” まで、クライアントのSherpaとして、困難な登山(=Transformation)を成功に導くことを目指している。CxOをはじめとした企業の変革リーダーと共に、既存の産業・企業の枠組みを超えて、新しい成長アジェンダの創造とSustainability追求を両立、及びDigitalによる“Disruption”の危機を共に乗り越えるためのコンサルティングを実践している。

Kazuma Suzuki PWC Consulting joint company Transformation Strategy Senior Manager

After working at a Japanese consulting firm and a comprehensive consulting firm, participated in the team.He has 15 years of consulting experience, mainly in the manufacturing industry.He has been engaged in a large number of strategic planning, mainly DX, and launching a DX organization.He also experienced a project on the development of medium -term management plans, long -term visioning, and future forecasts using scenario planning.

Daiki Ishiura PWC Consulting Joint Company Transformation Strategy Senior Manager

