In-vehicle video transmission semiconductor "TP38xx series" decided to be adopted as omnidirectional monitor product for automobiles of Taiwan REC company release

Category: Goods and services

車載用映像送信用半導体「TP38xxシリーズ」が台湾・REC社自動車向け全方位モニター製品に採用決定 企業リリース

Release issuer: Techpoint

-Contributing to high-definition video image quality for further safety improvement-Techpoint Inc. (Representative: President and CEO Fumihiro Kosato, USA) is a Taiwanese in-vehicle device design maker, REC TECHNOLOGY. We are pleased to announce that our company's video transmission semiconductor "TP38xx series" has been adopted for the omnidirectional monitor system for automobiles of CORPORATION (Taoyuan City, Taiwan, Representative: CEO Tai-Nine Hsieh, hereinafter referred to as REC). Keywords: In-vehicle, automobile, omnidirectional monitor, video transmission, semiconductor, TP38xx series, high-definition, in-vehicle camera Nowadays, the demand for safety and security of automobiles is increasing. The installation of electronic mirrors is progressing. The market for parking support systems and automatic parking systems, including this omnidirectional monitor, is expected to continue to grow, with an average annual growth rate of 28% from 2015 to 2020 *. With the widespread use of these systems, the importance of cameras for in-vehicle devices that support them is increasing, and the needs for camera quality such as high-definition and smooth video transmission are also increasing. In response to these needs, we are developing video transmission / reception semiconductors for in-vehicle cameras on the market. This time, from the product lineup, the semiconductor for video transmission "TP 38xx series" has been adopted by REC, a major in-vehicle device design manufacturer in Taiwan. REC will utilize this product in high-definition in-vehicle cameras for omnidirectional monitor systems. This new in-vehicle camera product has been adopted in passenger cars of Asian locally produced models of major Japanese automobile manufacturers from this year. This product is a semiconductor for video transmission that achieves both HD and low cost by adopting the original standard "HD-TVI" developed by utilizing the design technology that we have cultivated since our establishment. The video signal taken by the in-vehicle camera is transmitted on the cable by the HD-TVI method using this product, and is transmitted to the video receiving side device such as a car navigation system. Taking advantage of HD-TVI, it is characterized by being able to transmit high-definition high-definition video signals even when using inexpensive coaxial cables. In addition, since the video signal processing function (ISP: image signal processor) and HD-TVI transmission function are realized on a single chip, the mounting area when designing equipment can be reduced, and the cost of materials for in-vehicle camera design manufacturers can be reduced. Is contributing. By installing four in-vehicle cameras equipped with this product on the front, back, left, and right of the vehicle, it can be used in the omnidirectional monitoring system of the vehicle and contributes to the construction of a safe driving support system. REC is a Taiwanese in-vehicle equipment design maker that has grown as an in-vehicle equipment manufacturer including omnidirectional monitors as technology is being introduced to ensure the safety of automobiles. It offers. For the first time, the company has introduced a new high-definition compatible product that aims to improve image quality from conventional analog products. We had you adopt this product and contributed to the realization. Bruce Li, General Manager of REC, said in adopting the "TP38xx series", "Techpoint's video transmission semiconductor" TP38xx series "has achieved high image quality for our products using HD-TVI technology. I am surprised that they not only provided us with high cost performance, but also demonstrated high cost performance. We will continue to work with Techpoint to provide high-quality high-definition camera products to the automobile market. I'm thinking. " We will continue to develop products that meet the needs of our customers and the market, expand our product lineup of semiconductors for in-vehicle camera modules, and support cameras that contribute to safety and security with our high technological capabilities. * Yano Research Institute Co., Ltd. "Survey on the global market for parking support / automatic parking system (2017)" Press release [Product Overview] Product name: Video transmission semiconductor "TP38xx series" Transmission standard: HD-TVI (our original standard) [REC company overview] Company name: Mizuki Technology Co., Ltd. English company name: REC TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Establishment: 1999 Location : Taiwan Taoyuan City 蘆 bamboo 區 South Koji 2nd Stage 28th 4th Business Description: Development and design of in-vehicle equipment products URL: [Overview of our company] Company Name: Techpoint Inc. Established: April 2012 Location: San Jose, California, USA Number of employees: 73 (as of the end of June 2019) Business description: For surveillance (security) camera systems and in-vehicle camera systems Semiconductor design and sales URL: To the details of corporate press releases To the PRTIMES top

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* Product prices, specifications, service details, etc. described in the news release are as of the date of announcement. Please note that it is subject to change without notice.
