IIJMIO "Giga Plan" is strong and 3Q is expected to be "Reduced connection fee".
Internet Initiative (IIJ) announced on February 8 its third quarter of fiscal 2021.Sales are 165.6 billion yen (+6).1 %), operating income is 16.3 billion yen (+60).9 %) recorded sales and profits.
ネットワークサービスやシステムインテグレーションが業績をけん引して増収増益となったThe provision of the inexpensive price plan "Giga Plan" in "IIJmio" for individuals has been reduced in ARPU and the decrease in MVNE sales, and 47 for mobile services..Although the sales were decreased by 100 million yen, other network services and system integration have deducted their performance.President Jiro Katsuei has mentioned that "Internet traffic between companies is increasing and the need for security services is increasing."
The total number of mobile services is 337 as of December 2021.It reached 50,000.Of these, the mobile for corporations is 1.32 million lines, and MVNE is 98.30,000 lines, IIJmio 107.30,000 lines.
Especially for corporations, the number of contracts is particularly remarkable, and the number of contracts is 10 compared to the second quarter..It increased by 20,000.The overall mobile service is decreasing, but the number of sales is increased only for corporations, and the need for SIMs for surveillance cameras, GPS trackers, and drive recorders is strong.In addition, there is a line added from existing projects, and the business is continuously expanding.On the other hand, MVNE has decreased the number and sales of the MVNO, which is provided by IIJ, associated with the acquisition of a carrier.Katsu said, "We will do our best to expand sales channels and MVNE."
ギガプランのARPU減やMVNEの回線減によってモバイルサービス全体の売り上げは下がっているが、法人向けは売り上げと回線ともに好調を維持しているRegarding IIJMIO, pure decreased in 2020, but Gigaplan, which started in April, was supported, and the number of contracts was in the first quarter of 2021 to 105..30,000 → 107.20,000 → 107.It has turned to a net increase of 30,000.The number of gigaplan line as of the end of December 2021 is 60.70,000, of which new contracts are about 34 %.
According to MM Research Institute, as of the end of September 2021, IIJ maintained the top share and 16 at the end of March 2021..6 % to 18.The share is increasing to 2 %.On the other hand, 2021 has shrunk on the market for major carriers, online, and Rakuten Mobile.In such a situation, why is IIJMIO turning to net increase and keeping it well?Katsu said, "The competitive environment is becoming more severe, but (IIJmio) has a high service level so that customers can accept it. The price is also good. Many people buy at the Internet and mass retailers, and are always on sales channels.We are working to expand. "
From FY2020, the calculation method of the connection fee was changed to the "future cost method" based on the prediction of the carrier, and the connection fee for FY2020 was confirmed at the end of December 2021.Since the number was lower than the original predicted value, the cost of over 1 billion yen has returned in the third quarter.Katsu said, "Because traffic is increasing in the DX era, the connection fee will continue to be reduced."