``If the seismic intensity is 6 or higher, the goods will be deadly weapons!''

On October 7th, an earthquake with a seismic intensity of 5 hit the Kanto region, including Tokyo. About 10 years after the Great East Japan Earthquake, it seems that the earthquake with full-scale tremors that hit the Kanto region for the first time in a long time had a great impact on many people.

Meanwhile, on SNS, the topic of rethinking how to install furniture in anticipation of an earthquake is attracting a lot of attention.

It was triggered by Mr. Manatsu (@romareitaru), a former Miyagi citizen.

"This is advice from a former Miyagi resident living in the Kanto region who didn't topple anything during the current tremors, but for those of you who have fallen over due to this level of tremor, you should seriously rethink how you place your furniture and goods. It's better!! If the seismic intensity is 6 or higher, the goods will become a deadly weapon!! It will be fixed after tomorrow!!!"

A post called


It is true that even a seismic intensity of 5 is large enough, but in Japan, a country with earthquakes, it is quite possible that an earthquake with a seismic intensity greater than that will occur. In particular, those who have experienced devastating earthquakes such as the Great East Japan Earthquake have painful memories of how even a small lack of care can lead to fatal injuries. From SNS users in response to Manatsu's post

"I didn't fall down in the earthquake the day before yesterday, so I'm fine. However, the shelf I thought was dangerous was lowered four days ago, and the earthquake happened. Let's put it on. Please take care of it."

“In East Japan, the top of the stacking shelves fell down. The fixed furniture was fine. It seems that it jumped out and flew to the next room.A seismic intensity of upper 5 would not cause much damage to furniture, but it would be difficult to cancel trains due to safety checks.Be careful."

"Really... Also, if you have a water tank in your room, the fish will jump out of the water, so when the earthquake happened, our goldfish jumped out."

"Also, it's a good idea to leave shoes or slippers by your pillow or by your bed. Worn out shoes are fine. You can just put them in a plastic bag and leave them there. When an earthquake strikes and you run away. There is a possibility that the glass is scattered even in the house."

Many comments have been received.

I interviewed Manatsu-san.

If the seismic intensity is 6 or higher, the goods It can be a lethal weapon!” A call to reconsider how furniture is installed becomes a hot topic.</p><p>Lieutenant General Takanori (hereafter referred to as

Manatsu: Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture was affected by the disaster. When I was walking home alone, I felt a tremor so strong that I couldn't stand, and the asphalt in front of me began to crack. At school, I was often told about my experiences with the Miyagiken-Oki Earthquake. increase. About 10 minutes later, when the tremors subsided a little, I ran home and was able to join my family.

Lieutenant Admiral: Please tell us what you are trying to do to prevent furniture from tipping over.

Manatsu: First of all, I basically try not to put clothes or other items on high places unless they are less dangerous if they fall. Only the cupboards are a little high, so we use tension rods to prevent them from moving, and we also put non-slip sheets under the dishes to prevent them from popping out even a little.

Furthermore, in the unlikely event of a fall, the furniture is arranged so that it can be supported by other furniture and stopped, avoiding the risk of being crushed under it.

Lieutenant Admiral: How did you feel about the shaking of this earthquake?

Manatsu: It's like, "I haven't had a big earthquake in a long time." It was a level that I experienced on a daily basis after the aftershocks of the Great East Japan Earthquake, so I didn't panic.

Lieutenant General: Please tell us your thoughts on the response to social media so far.

Manatsu: I tweeted with the hope that my followers would at least get to know about it, so I was surprised by the response that surpassed my expectations. Looking at the reactions to the tweets, some people sympathized and spread the word about it, while others said, "I heard about it for the first time." I felt that there was a difference in disaster prevention awareness.

I hope that people who see this tweet or article will review the arrangement of things in their homes and workplaces, so that even one person will be injured or lose their life in an emergency. I think.

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You never know when and where an earthquake will strike. In order to avoid unnecessary stress in unforeseen situations, I would like all readers to pay attention to the arrangement of furniture and countermeasures against shaking.

Although under a different name, in March last year, Manatsu published a blog post titled "Haru wo Negai no Hi" (The day to wish for spring) about his experiences at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

It is a content full of emotions that can only be written by those who have experienced it, so I would like many people to see it.

Related information for Mr. Manatsu Twitter account: https://twitter.com/romareitaru “Day wishing for spring”: https://bagle00.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/03/11/172557
