Perfect for the With coronal era, with an amazing 15g without touch! "Anti-virus magnesium Hook" is issued by magnesium alloy belt enterprises.

Category: products and services

Withコロナ時代に最適、驚きの15gでタッチレスを実現!「ウイルス対策マグネシウム製フック」にマグネシウム合金帯が採用されました 企業リリース

Issuer: Japan Metal Co., Ltd.

The magnesium alloy strip (alloy rolled material AZ31B) manufactured and sold by Nippon Metal Co., Ltd. (head office: Tokyo Port Managing Director: Yasukawa Shimagawa) will be used for the anti-virus magnesium hook "Magclean" manufactured and sold in Gongwahertz Co., Ltd., as follows. In the With coronal era of popular novel coronavirus, there is an increasing demand for "contactless" handrails, door handles, elevator buttons, no trams and bus rings. In the realization of this kind of non-touch, "hook" has attracted much attention as a commodity that does not touch objects directly and can carry out hooks, pressing and other actions. However, the existing copper and brass systems have "heavy and difficult to use" problems in carrying and retrieving (relative to the specific gravity of AZ31B 1.78,8.96,8.45,5 times the volume of brass). In the anti-virus magnesium hook "Magclean" sold this time, Japanese metal was successfully mass-produced for the first time in the world in 2002. AZ31B, a performance magnesium alloy rolled material with lightweight and high strength, was adopted in a wide range of fields such as mobile devices and nursing products. The "light and (15g) strong hook" is realized. For detailed features of "Magclean", please refer to the crowdfunding page set up by Gongwahertz. ( * specific gravity: the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a reference material. In general, for solids and liquids, gases are based on air at the same temperature and pressure. Corporate press release details go to the top of PRTIMES


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