If you think it was good when you put it on, consider it!How to put a super convenient electric sliding door or auto closure (page 1/2)

If you think it was good when you put it on, consider it!How to put a super convenient electric sliding door or auto closure | Automobile information / News Web Cartop Enable JavaScript when visiting this site.

  • 自動車情報・ニュース WEB CARTOP > 自動車コラム > 付けときゃよかった……と思ったら要検討! 超便利な電動スライドドアやオートクロージャーを後付けする方法
  •  TEXT: 小鮒康一 PHOTO: ホンダ/WEB CARTOP

    Electric slides are now becoming commonplace equipment

     The progress of the car is being developed so that it becomes easier to use more on a daily basis.In the unlikely event, there have been a lot of things that have made much more advanced in recent years, such as a collision damage reduction brake that reduces the damage in the event, and an adaptive cruise control that dramatically makes it dramatically easier to move on a light expressway.There is no.

     Also, although it is not flashy, it may be a very convenient equipment that can be a very useful equipment.

    [Related article] Convenience is very different with the function of plus α!What is an electric sliding door car that a child -rearing layer really chooses?


     The electric sliding door, which assists a minivan or one -box car sliding door opening and closing with a motor, is very grateful for children, women, and elderly people.

     It is also possible that in recent highly airtight vehicles, the door and trunk were not completely closed.However, if the car with an auto closer is closed to a certain position, the rest will be quietly and securely closed with the power of the motor.

     These equipment are often equipped with advanced models or advanced grades, but can you really add them to your car?

    付けときゃよかった……と思ったら要検討! 超便利な電動スライドドアやオートクロージャーを後付けする方法 (1/2ページ)

    A car with a Next Page setting may be able to be retrofitted!?

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